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Everything posted by GuyJames

  1. Go to the 60's and be a hippy. Sex, drugs, sweet tunes......sounds good! or Tell myself to start trials riding at an earlier age so I was better now. or....... Oh, I would do f**king loads of stuff! Guy
  2. on the onza website it said they were only for competition use or was that them covering there backs? this is asuming you ride street. does it hold up good on street? looks uber nice though guy
  3. I have no idea but can hazard a guess at these.... competitions, having families, breaks from riding over the winter (which conradicts my first one but meh), go on their website and see if they give proper reasons there. o, and I seem to remember reading the carbon fork was way too expensive to produce and sell (something like £500 :- ) so only the team riders will have them. guy
  4. all very nice moves however it just didn't seem like trials. bunnyhoppping up rails rather than blunting, loads bmx orientated moves and moving further away from what he is.....a trials rider. maybe this is where trials is going, so ultra street, we are going into skateparks and riding there. I'm unsure, but still he is a very talented rider and only young, so who know's for the future. guy
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