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Sam Moss

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Posts posted by Sam Moss

  1. If you get good discs then they will be better and have better hold but they can snap i prefer magura rim brakes because they have good hold if you have the right setup and good pads with a tiny bit of tar on the rim, they are also cheaper than most discs.

  2. Iv never give my password to any one and on the 29/9/09 someone wrote a random topic with loads of random letters. They also wrote on my pm "Cotty is gay haha!! im from standish, bet u dont no who it is !! HAHA!!" (I live 10 mins from standish)I dont know how he got on my account and changed my password but luckly i found a way to change it again. watch out for idiots like this. I got realy aggravated so i made this topic to let you know people can get youre password and change it so whatch out.

  3. Foam grips are top. If they moove or slip on the bar put tape on the bars then put the grips on, after that roll the grips back and breath on the tape (so its moist) and finally roll the grips back and try it out. If you get what i mean.:)

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