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Lord Banks

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Posts posted by Lord Banks

  1. Can't find anything on the sinks dude can you get me a link I'm massively interested if this is what it was.

    I've never found anything about the 'sinks' either, it was just what some auld wifey at work said a few year back. I was a bit like you and up until that point I'd never met anyone who'd experienced it or knew what I meant, she just casually said, "oh yeah, the sinks, I used to get that".

  2. I used to get something similar as a kid, there was no demons or anything, but it would be like I was awake, and everything in the room was getting bigger, it’s hard to explain, but like my perspective was being stretched, but at the same time like I was a giant in a tiny room. But I couldn’t move to get out of it. Somebody said ages back it was called the ‘Sinks’.

  3. Drilling holes is a bit dodgy, when the bike takes a ‘shock’, the energy reverberates and gets absorbed into the metal, with holes everywhere, that energy travels further and for longer and gets into the joins and weld areas easier.

  4. I know this, but we talking about Benito, a true pure trials rider, not a hipster Inspired wannabe nowadays.

    And by this im talking about guys that buy bikes just to hang with them on the street, but no riding at all, and then come to this forum to sell them unused.

    I only think Benito does not use is potencial to promove himself worldwide, same as Gilles.


  5. Unfortunately, my grip strength will most probably deteriorate, I have ‘tennis elbow', which basically means the tendons from my elbow down to my hand/fingers are gooshed. I’m starting Physio soon though, have to have injections straight into my elbow :'(

    Although those levers look sound, think I’ll get one ordered.

  6. My Vs are setup brilliantly (if I do say so myself!). I'm just finding my hand aching a bit when I'm using the rear brake for any length of time. My mountain bike has hydro disks on it and I need little effort to get full lock, so I was thinking the same for my trials bike.

    Although I'd never really thought about trying to improve my Vs as such, I thought I had them at optimum performance (for what they are), but maybe I’ll experiment with a different lever/cable and some 'proper' pads....

    I must admit, fitting a hydro does fill me with dread, I see a lot of topics on here about different setups or problems people are having, I know my way around a V brake.

  7. Sorry, I know that this would have been asked a million times before, this being a trials forum and all. I have done a search, but as this is a trials forum, the amount of hits that come up for 'brake' are overwhelming.


    I need some help buying a Rim brake for the rear of my Onza Bird 2011. It only has V brake mounts so I'd need an adapter from what I understand.

    There’s nothing wrong with my current setup, the problem is me, I have a 'Tennis Elbow', basically meaning I have little grip strength in my right hand, so I'm thinking a Hydro might help.

    Also, pads?!? Whats the crack there? I'm running Onza clear trials pads on a light grind with some monty brake spray which are spot on, but again, moving over to a hydro, i'll need some help there too.

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