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Posts posted by dc13

  1. Thanks Alex, I am planning a build, just need to get some cheap parts together as a starter, think I might get it powder coated white first though :D

    not really sure what to put on it yet though, i have maguras hs33 so their going on, other than that its a fresh start!

    any suggestions for me?

    P.S. remember im on a strict budget for my first bike! :P

  2. Righty ho then!

    The frame arrived this morning, seems the rear hanger got damaged in the post as it wasn't packed very well :angry:

    I've try'd looking for some info on the T-Rex but i cant really find any, except the history bit on the Onza website, but no proper spec.

    I've done some google searches but haven't turned up much. What do you guys know about it? Geo, headset size pictures etc.

  3. Hi Alex,

    sorry was one of those rash fleabay thing's, i've been searching for a bike to do a budget first bike build, and saw this and thought, at that price I couldn't go wrong!

    Seems I could! Lol oh well i can always sell it on and use the hs33 for the spares I need.

    Do you think it would be totally a nightmare for a newbie to learn on?

    Hi Alex, sorry was one of those rash fleabay thing's, i've been searching for a bike to do a budget first bike build, and saw this and thought, at that price I couldn't go wrong!

    Seems I could! Lol oh well i can always sell it on and use the hs33 for the spares I need.

    Do you think it would be totally a nightmare for a newbie to learn on?

  4. Clicky Clicky

    After some Very quick research it's a 2001 Onza T-Rex, What do you think?

    At that price I think its a steal! the hs33 spares will be handy too.

    If you know any thing about the T-Rex please let me know, like I said though its a first bike so hope all is well.

    I'm not looking for a totally bombproof bike just something to do some learning on :P

  5. Alright mate!

    Iam the person middleageman is refering to :)

    When you sort yourself a bike give me a shout ill ride with you sometime.

    Add me on msn if you need any help etc, addy is - jimmy_c01@hotmail.co.uk

    Keep in touch, Hope to see you riding sometime!


    Hi James,

    Thanks, think I could do with some coaching!

    Took my mtb out today, dropped the saddle right down, removed the chainrings for a bit more clearance......................................And promptly hit the deck! Leaving most of the skin on my left knee bonded to the inside of my jeans :$

    Having only recently re starting cycling to get fit, I've realised my balance and coordination are totally non-resistant gone , I used to leap around at speed all over the place.

    think this is going to take a little, well a lot longer than I thought :(

    The suspension fork didn't help either so that will have to come off, I'll put the P2 back on I think.

    I've found some tutorials on the web and here, but can anyone else recommend good tutorial videos to watch, other than the regular youtube vid's?

    P.S. is balancing and manoeuvring any easier on a dedicated trials bike(stock) or is it the same as a regular mtb but with more clearance!

  6. Yeah man, with the town, park and especially the miles of prom and rocks! Trialers paradise I reckon.

    I' m sure you could build a cheapish Trials as a starter bike, as I said, best

    asking the others for advice. (Y)

    Until recently, the only Trialer I'd seen in my town was a young teen on what looked liked a Xmas pressie Onza mod

    and didn't want to approach him for the same reasons you expressed.

    Then suddenly, walking home from work one evening, I heard that familiar sweaky squeal of a Magura trials brake

    I'd heard so often on youtube vids and there was a guy in his 20's on a stock pullin' some moves!

    I hesitated, but then approached him asking if I could "ask about his Stock bike?" A conversation was born.

    Ask a few Trials related questions of these lads you've seen, mention this forum, they may be glad of some recognition of the

    sport, rather than the usual "where's your seat?" quips!

    You've just got to bite the bullet.

    stay in touch.


    That's a good way to start thing's, thank's for the tip!

    I've been busy reading as much as i can, wiki and the net, :-)

  7. There's some nice trials stuff near you there, I used to ride up there a lot.

    Looks like a budget build is out of the question then, :(

    how did you bump into your first trials rider?

    I've seen guys riding near me in Denbigh, but being a bit older :- that the guys who were riding i didn't really feel comfortable just approaching them, I'm quite a shy person at first but, also was a bit scared they might think I was some kind of weirdo :o

  8. Hi, Middleageman,

    Where about on the coast? i used to live in Rhyl then Rhuddlan, Now I'm over in Denbigh, seems I'm running from the sea! :lol:

    Things aren't looking good with work at the moment, possibility of redundancies, So I really need to keep things as cheap as possible really.

    I have been riding mtb's for years but never got into trials, but now just seemed the right time, kind of like you! :rolleyes:(Y)

  9. Ok , looks like that one is out the window so to speak, :$

    once I get validated, or should I say if I get validated, (sounds like its quite hard!) I'll have to go and drive a hard bargain in the for sale section.

    think Im right in saying Im not aloud to ask for stuff yet too?!! :huh:

  10. Hi! :) practise to pivot your front wheel and back wheel to either sides, try to pivot further and further as you improve. Trackstand and rocking are crucial skills as well, that are easy to practise. There are some good sites with info on the different beginner skills; http://www.trials-online.com/trials-techniques.php and http://www.biketrials.com/how-to/index.shtml

    Exactly the thing i was looking for.

    Thanks :lol:

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