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Posts posted by Olly

  1. Remember the saracen x-tort frame that the mad team used in that blue white and red splater design! Oh how i wanted one! Lol

    That was my first trials bike, complete with the yellow maguras!


    I would have killed for one of those x-torts in mad colours, mate had one, sweet stuff. I nearly bought one but somehow ended up buying a Shooter full build instead.

    If anyone still has one, I want it!

    I gave it away, guy might still have it though and don't think he ever used it. Can ask if you want?

  2. That's a lot harder.

    Move forward, medium speed. Pull an endo, back wheel comes off the ground.

    As the back wheel comes down, use the momentum and bring the front wheel up. Pull enough so you feel like you will fall off the back. Instead of stepping off though, jump up using your feet to pull the back wheel up and place it under you to keep your balance centred.


    As you gradually get better, try to stop moving back.

    Then let the front wheel drop more then usual and add a kick with your good foot, whilst letting go off the brake and jumping up and forwards. Pull the brake before you land and repeat.

    Easy ;)

  3. Roll up to the object wrong foot forward, put in 1/4 of a pedal stroke, then kick for the last 1/4 with your strong foot, as you do this lift up the front end, hop, suck up your knees and push your arms up towards the sky, so your ass is properly over the back wheel.



    First stroke lifts front wheel, second sends the back wheel forward as you jump up.

    Practice on flat ground first, once you get some height move onto a kirb, then slightly bigger, and bigger...

  4. Probably didn't realise, the classic thing everyone says about these bashes is that they snap kool chains all the time and you should use a collapse. If they did, it would have been a much wider chain so wouldn't have caught the squashed bits.

    I see, fair enough.

    New chain then I guess. Parts list is never ending.

  5. Problem found.

    I took a photo but really can't be assed to upload, resize etc etc..

    Basically the teeth seem to have been squashed a little giving a raised lip. Got the Dremel out and took the lips off. 90% sorted, bit more playing and it's done.

    Would have been decent of the person who sold me this to have said....

    Anyway, thanks for all the replies guys, appreciated (Y)

  6. Honestly,

    I've been a mechanic for I several years and seen this kind of thing all the time. If the chain won't wrap round you'll need a new bash. To be sure about the chain size, ring Dave at trials tech. He'll defo know if the chain usual works or not.

    I'll give it a try in a minute, get some more photos.

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