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Posts posted by joshlyd1

  1. ok ok

    sorry if it sounded like it was put accros in that way i ment if everyone starts voting people who dont deserve to get validated NMC will just loose its meaning if you get me . i know what i want to say in my head but its hard to word it.

    Tomturd a couple of months ago posted a thread asking how the NMC validation button is working and there hasnt really been another one since soo i thought i would bring it up , is that against the rules or am i wrong ?

  2. Well i see that most of the points are valid except if a knowledgeable rider joined and didnt use it because of people thinking he is dumb , If members had a "are you sure you would like to vote for such and such then a link to the users post list and profile " i supose that would be a lot better and it would stop ;accidental votes and some childish votes because it shouldn't be as easy as click one button , maybe it could be like the report button which isnt automatically reported ???

    Am i being a div for bringing this up because in my opinion this is a growing forum and maybe some feedback to the mods and seniors etc is a good thing been as tomturd hasn't asked lately how things are running ( not blaming tom he could be busy )


  3. well to be honest i dont care if i would be out im talking about the divs who are validated when if by the old rules shouldn't

    the old rules should still apply imo because the voting system is getting a little silly atm

    EDIT--- getting sent back shouldn't really be a common thing , pick your community carefully

  4. Ok i have had enough of seeing , "you there friend have a vote " posts when most of the people have only posted one or two things in NMC

    Members are slipping standards a lot you have validated quite a lot of plonkers who if were in NMC a mod wouldnt validate ... Now a couple of people have been validated who dont deserve too they are spreading the love and validating more .

    I would say its like a germ or the infected title off call of duty - one person has it and soon everyone does "/

    Remember the good old days when it was a honour to get validated because you had to keep your standards high , now NMC has lost the idea. i think people who are going to vote someone should maybe get linked straight to there post/thread list and check them out more and think about there decision , do you really want Trials chat filled with txt tlk evrythg ? Im sure other would agree

    de-validation should be a last resort because if you chose correctly and thought you wouldnt need too ... The so called "flaws" are due you

  5. Youv just validated someone for one post/thread :S look at all his other post and he may right utter crap , too many people are getting through now . the novelty has gone from validation "/ too many useless members are getting through these days . the validation votes is just failing from the pillarks voting the wrong people

  6. Hiyya all ,

    im building up as stock as some of you may know , i am wondering whats the most popular gearing and crank length and what they feel like .

    What gearing are you using ?

    What crank length are you using ?

    effects ( e.g Hardish , light etc ) ?

    Your opinion ?

    This is for stock 26" , and i will be using a freehub , i have come from mod so i dont really know the gearings except 18:12 which i know will be useless on stock .

    all help greatly appreciated

    thanks :D

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