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Posts posted by Dr.scratchensniff

  1. What the hell do you want a remote wipe function for? If someone nicks it then you can wipe it. - Simple answer to that is to look after your bloody phone... :huh:

    Huge range of accessories? You mean covers and shit? Pretty much every phone on the planet has as many accessories as the iphone. I can guarantee there is more iphone things such as docks etc. - Most docks have a line in option too. So anything with headphones can be used with it.

  2. Ok then you haven't got the nike running feature, A high quality accelerometer system , a mailbox (both in and out), find my phone and remote wipe function, Iphones are alot easier to back up aswell, not to mention decent voice control which works and also a HUGE range of accessories.

    I have a mailbox, in and out.

    What the hell do you want a remote wipe function for?

    Backup is easy as anything, just connect to the pc with your usb and copy all of the files.

    Voice controls are pretty damn good.

    Huge range of accessories? You mean covers and shit? Pretty much every phone on the planet has as many accessories as the iphone.

  3. Funny enough no button's isn't better than touch screen, can buttons display a movie on them? no, i think you'll find a touch screen can.. can you go on the internet with your SE?(I know you can but within reason to make it worthwhile..) Can you tether your internet connection on your SE with your laptop? Larger selection of games, Google maps, Sat nav, weather update, youtube, stocks.. a whole lot more, thats what i can list, lets wait to see what everyone else can list..

    The game selection isn't much bigger without downloading extras. Not that games are even necessary.

    Can you write a text or e-mail without looking on a touch screen? If I have to text while walking down the street, it's nice to be able to avoid people and other obstacles.

    Internet is suffecient. I'd say that it could do anything bar flash videos. A phone should never have to be your primary internet browser anyway...

    As well as that, I can edit video, even if it is only a token attempt at it... :rolleyes:

  4. A joke? Expand on it. There's free apps and paid for apps, what wrong with paying for some apps? It's like paying for some music you download. What phone do you have thats actually as good or superior to the iphone that came out 5 years ago?

    Ok 5 years was an exaggeration. But it is nearly 4. SonyEricsson W810i

    Bar the touch screen, there is not a whole lot more you can do without getting additional apps.

    and get this, it could take videos, send picture messages, send files via bluetooth and play multiple music file formats right out of the box.

    And, I can use it with any phone network that I want.

    If you can tell me 10 things that an iphone can do out of the box (that is, without an app.), that my SE can't, I'll go out and buy one on the spot. (touch screen not included [because it's not better than having buttons anyway])

  5. Would never buy one.

    They don't play the normal formats, as stated above.

    Expensive as all hell.

    Plus I disagree with giving apple my money for anything.

    The iphone is a joke. They give it applications, that you pay extra for, and claim it to be revolutionary. The only problem is that my phone has been doing most of these things for the last 5 years and it plays more file formats. I paid half of what I would for an iphone too.

    Don't give apple your money!!!

  6. Another vote for trialtech foam grips. Very much enjoy being able to ride without gloves. My installation technique:

    1. Spray a thin layer of 3M Super77 adhesive onto the bar where the grip will sit. Let it dry for about 5 minutes, so it is dry but still tacky.

    2. Pour some rubbing alcohol down the inside of the grips, and put them on the bar - they should just slide on.

    3. Let it sit for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.

    4. Put some tape on the ends of the grips (both sides) to keep moisture out.

    To remove. just peal the ends of the grip up with a screwdriver and pour some rubbing alcohol in.

    I also have some ODI lockon clamps just inside the grip to prevent it from slowly sliding in over time. Haven't found this to be a problem, but figured better safe than sorry.

    I'll certainly give it a go. Thanks.

  7. Dude, come on....there's a picture just below it with a toptube :P

    I'm putting in a seat-tube as well...just not so sure how i want it to go. Maybe coustellier style, or possibly a la rockman slate.

    Geo is 1085, +35, 380, 71.5 ....so far anyway :)

    Ill bang up a picture of the magura mount with the slave in if i have time today Max :)

    As long as there's a seat tube going in too it should be mint. (Y)

    I'd also agree with monkeyseemonkeydo. Sharp edges are your enemy.

    However, it should be a beautiful bike. B)

  8. I like the surgical glove idea. I'd have them on the outside though. Just so that if you do get caught in the rain you don't have to dry anything out when you get home. That and your hands aren't getting all sticky and sweaty.

    However, if you have rubber grips, this might not be too pleasant because they'll stick to them. Could get away with it with foam grips.

  9. And of cause smoking can be portrayed in a positive light, is there wasn't any plus sides to smoking then why would 13 Million people in the UK do it ?

    Because some assholes told that them it was cool when they were young and they were gullible and stupid enough to buy it. They started smoking for a stupid reason and became addicted. I'm sure that most people who tried to quit smoking know how stupidly hard it is to kick a drug like nicotine.

    No matter what you say about the benefits of smoking, they in no way are greater than the consequences of it. If people kept the money that they spent on smoking for a year, they could probably afford to pimp their bikes fairly nicely. That and their lungs don't try to escape their bodies when they cough... Not smoking because it'll kill you isn't a reason as far as I'm concerned, it's the years of complete torture with cancer before you die that's nasty...

    Smokers don't seem to know how repulsive it is to be around them though and that is the main reason for me. The fact that some people can't stand to be in the same room as a smoker should say something to them...

    Now. I'm finished with serious posts for a while...

  10. One side is tight and the other isn't?

    Sounds like a spoke in the wrong hole, and the others on that side of the hub because of it. I'm afraid that the only thing to do is take it apart and try again.

    I may be wrong here, so get a second opinion, but this had happened to me when I built my first and only wheel. (So I'm not really the best guy to get advice from...)

    The solution for me was to give up and hand the wheel over to Psycholist... :rolleyes:

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