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Everything posted by scoobix

  1. what u on bout my grammer??? your reply was pointless, im makin a point, as it directed at people like you who think your special... grwo up mate an i think id know when chavs come bout mate, shame you were to little to remember, only little boys give remarks like that over the net. Well you dont see mass riots at trials events, think ull find there alot differents sports, i get on well with all the riders i know an meet, glad i dont meet most you idiots... id knock most you out with that attitude An u think you'd know what was around back then you little boy??? you would have been like 3 you dick, you havent got a clue mate, been around lot longer an done things you only dream of so grow up willy
  2. No think u find they were townies bk then not chavs.... get it right
  3. Why is it that trials forum have so many rules to gettin validated to stop idiots using the main functions yet when they are members so many jus go on like dicks, actin sarki an to be honest just like chavs. I started skating back in 1997 when there was no chavs an there was more fued between bmx an boarders or bladers an boarders. Thought that was stupid then as you all doin a sport an not out hurtin people or robbin old ladies, an now most all get along in the parks an streets, i have plenty of friends who all do different things from boarding to bmx, skating, free runnin, etc. But now im doin trials an come on here you got loads of people doin the same sport an jus cursing each other, some of u need to to quit bikes an go buy a burbery hat an some nike'ys. An some need to remember that no ones good to start with so dont think your better than everyone else cause theres always someone better! to all beginners enjoy your sports an be the best to your ability...
  4. Nice on for that, not many seem to know what a higher bb does, only thing is lookin to go hortizontal drops as bit fed up of vertical drops, but al ideas are welcome
  5. safe geezer, tried to find u on facebook but couldnt man, find me its scoob miller, how u been?? we still always out riding so when ever u get down.. gettin new setup soon, snapped me koxx but riding replacement for while

  6. I suppose it mainly depends on your money situation mate, my friends spent around £500 on a mad phase 1.1 an he snapped it within a yr an also the replacement he got few months later, plus the parts it come iwth wernt the best, i would probably recommend buyin second hand as great deals out there an for the same price as what my friend payed fro his phase u could pick up somethin so much better, good example is another mate who bought a czar full build with very good parts, top rims, good hubs, cransk etc all for £360, an very good setup for beginner, light an tough. have good look around an try get as much info off riders as u can if conserned bout a part or bike before purchasing. hope that helps
  7. ok maybe not quite 90 inches but my handle bars sit at 39 " so that stack of pallets is almost double that so say 75 "??? an 45 " is definalty good, but not bein able to do other techincal things goes back to my point bout bein able to do one thing an not another better than someone else. everyones got there strong points an weak points
  8. Think he right no reason to be sarki as i only been riding 2 yrs an interesting to know what people can do, everyone got there own style of riding an soem better at some things than others, i find im better at sidehops than pedal ups but thats me, sopme my mates better at spins but not good at sidehops, its not really a comp, should be keepin the sport what u started for, FUN. I can side hop 38 " at mo, but doesnt mean i nail it everytime, bout 90 inches, which is massive, i got long way to go....
  9. hi im scoob, lookin to buy new setup very soon as snapped my old koxx level boss, im 6ft 2" an quite built, broad shoulders so wanna go for nice long frame, was to cramped up on me koxx, i liek the rockman isis as is 1100 long an high ish bb rise, but money isnt lookin great for that, but the yabba 1499 setup looks nice an altho a 1085 frame it still longer than the koxx was an has fair bb rise, also can anyone actually tell me how the bb rise affects the length, example is it longer feeling wid 30 bb rise or 45 ??? anyone who owns or has ridden yabba let us knwo what u think an anyone who can reply to the bb rise cheers
  10. Hi Im scooby from bedford, been riding for 2 years now, was riding adamant A1 for while an also Koxx levelboss till it snapped.. looking to get new setup soon. pics when do.. I used to aggressive inline for few yrs mixture of street an ramp, but managed to smash my ankle free runnin one day, i now have 3 pins for life in it an took up trials soon after. it holds me back from goin big or tryin things for while till im alot more confident as one slip could be the ned of my riding, but i ride for fun an very doubt will ever be good enough for comps or pro.. We got some good riders round bedford but sadly not alot of new peeps gettin into it, but i have rode wid some old skool riders like kris Leeson an phil pheeny who many would know.. Jus also like to put a shout out to these riders who i ride with an learnt much from.. Joel Bennett, Will Stanton, Joe thompson, Vince, Many thanks
  11. Hi mate, jus wanted to say im not far off you, im 28 this august an started trials 2 yrs ago, i also used to skate, aggressive inline for bout 3 yrs before, but due to accident have 3 pins in me ankle so took up trials an altho miss skatin am loving trials.. keep it up, age aint the thing jsu determination!!! hoep it goes well..
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