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joe b

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Posts posted by joe b

  1. you a bit stressed joe joe??

    have a cup a tea and calm down...you getting cranky because you filled you nappy?

    whens the hand gonna be back to norm?

    ill have my cast off on the 5th april, and hopefully itll be ridable after about a week mate! :P .



  2. Mate... if you'd have taken your head out of your arse, then maybe you would have seen the part of my post that said i was open to constructive criticism. But by the looks of it you didn't (Y) . I had about 12 or so clips to make a whole video, and as i said ive broke my b*****d hand. So i'm pretty f**kin bored. Most of the other geeza's think its a good vid though, just your the odd one out.

    I respect peoples opinions and everything but im not up for you sayin its a 'crap video' (Y) . Tosser...


  3. Downloading joey boy, will edit when done (Y)

    cheers andy

    EDIT: haha mint vid, well done.....when you fall off danny says yes mate (Y)

    He only sez that caus i asked him if he got it on camera! :)



  4. stop laughing at him for crying! its not the babies fault he needed feeding!

    bloody work pc aint got no speakers....need to dl when im at home and listen to some snappage! (Y)

    Na, i wasn't just tryin not to :) .

    Cheers for comment laydees keep d/lin (Y) .


  5. awwwwww, i think you get smaller and smaller each video awwwwww :)  lol

    Cool vid man...maybe..we should do a joint xtp video sometime soon  :-"

    Sweet idea... I'll talk to you on msn about that one!

    Cheers for all the good feedback you guys!

    Keep it coming though :P .



  6. Doods,

    Well I've fractured my hand and will be out for 3 or 4 weeks so the couple of days ive had off school ive made a vid. It's just spare clips that aren't really that impressive. But on the whole i think the video is quite cool.

    Some of the clips are from my first natural ride at shipley glen (you can tell i was still getting used to the bike) and the rest of the clips are from the day i broke my hand. Including the clip of me breaking it... :) .

    What am i going to do while im all f**ked up? Well im saving up for a new Mini DV camera and if i have done all my maths right then i should have it by my birthday!! So I'll be doing some filming for mates, and there is a comp on the 10th April for TykeTrial, i think it's at Addingham Moorside. Sooo ill be doing some filiming there. And if im still not 100% by the 24th April then i'll be doing some filiming at the YMSA round at Burycliffe Quarry.

    So expect a couple of vids to be coming soon! Please post up if you dont want filiming at those events above ^^^.

    Here she is: ...


    Please comment on the vid and tell me what you think to it! Im extremely open to constructive criticism. One Learn's from one's mistakes :) .



  7. Coor blimey guv! That lad on xtp is a bit sexy int he? Ooh id bum him (Y) . haha, na jus kiddin, sweet vid chip, that backwheel to wheelswap gap i did looked pretty decent!

    Come'on guys, commeeent.



  8. Name- Joe Baxter

    Town- Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

    How long riding trials- 2 years

    Would you be prepared to travel to the park- Definately, i think its about time the councils of england start recognising our sport!

    email adress- forest_bigsy@hotmail.com

    i am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook

    Joe Baxter

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