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Posts posted by iLikeTheBikez

  1. Today i was on my friends stock which i feel is really uncomfortable and i cant ride it. So i decided to have a go went up a bench the bike went i just let go landed just ahead of the back Tyre on me package and thigh hurt for a minute or two.

    I cant really picture what happened as some of your words are a bit messed up and confusing.

  2. As title and description says.....

    I want to try and edit a video, i dont mind if you have already posted the edited version up on youtube, etc.

    If you have any footage then please leave me a link in a reply, oh and please make sure all the footage is together. (in one big unedited video, i dont want to have to download from a million links just to make one film).


    Luke ;)

  3. Came off a few weeks ago i scratched my finger on a little wall it grazzed it really bad , spent two days in hospital with a plaster holding my little finger together.

    Now i have no sign of scar :)


    Hi, i went to Keighly the other day to pick up my bike, i dont know why but i had an erge to tell you...

  4. Was at a skatpark (The big quarter pipe at Denmead to be specific).

    Was simply practising my airs, managed to get 2 1/2 ft, which isn't bad for me.

    Then suddenly I must of just lost all concentration because on the come down from the air, me and my bike just completely missed the landing.

    I went straight off the side and nosedived ...well it must of been around 8ft, straight onto tarmac, and straight onto my face.


    ouch, lol i hope i never crash/hurt myself that badly, the worst iv got are some dents in my shin from studded pedals.

  5. Hehe :),

    and no mate, they were just ..I don't know, a safety precaution that they took after the operation.

    I had them out after about 4 days and then all I had, and still have now is a little bit of a raised pink scar going from ear to ear.

    How exactly did it happen?

  6. Ok you know when you pedal pick and your about to go onto another obstacle. Well you do the little hops on the back wheel to keep balance and concentration!

    Well how do you do it?

    I always fall off the blady thing! I can do back wheel hops just not tiny ones constantly!

    Any help?



    Keep Practicing, and dont read my sig if you wanna learn them

  7. That price was with delivery included also so go get a deal, I was tempted but decided to gor for the mod, ask most the members on here i was a f**king pain choosing a bike lol, anyways good luck!

    Yes but with a bit of help you made the right decesion and its better that having a bike that was shit and everyone takin the piss about it, id like to think i helped you find out that a t-pro is the best choice. lol :D

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