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Everything posted by welljim

  1. I'm trying to decide between the 2, is there anyone who has ridden both and would like to share their experiences? Any opinions or pros & cons greatly appreciated. Here's some relevant facts about me: I'm currently ridding a Specialized Enduro SL, which is a full suspension all mountain bike. Obviously nothing to do with trials, yet I keep trying the moves on it and have a nice time despite the torture I endure in the process... which is why I finally decided to get a proper trials bike. I'm under the impression that those 2 bikes are geometrically different, and for different type of ridding? Some more clarifications about this would help me a lot. - I personally enjoy trials moves, mostly on urban features. - I'd like a bike that would help me stay on that back wheel, allow me to clear large gaps, and climb high - there's a BMX park really close, and I would like to be able to get the bike in there and improvise.. - but I wouldn't like this particular convenience to compromise substantially the trials capabilities of the bike Why I propose the 4play? because I get the impression by looking at it that it's more versatile (I don't know if that is actually true..). But is it suitable for proper trials?? If most people here think that versatility is just something that I'll have to forget in favor of performance, I'm prepared to comply. I was also reading somewhere else that people really like the mods at first, but then after they progress some, they want to swap them for a stock? (because, according to that article, not being able to cycle even small distances to the park next door eventually gets you.. i.e., they are very inconvenient) Why I propose the Czar? There is one for sale in good condition and price close to where I live. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks! PS I'm 5'7
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