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Posts posted by p_ruskin

  1. Theres a load of us in the south west - in both Cornwall and Devon. Theres a facebook page called SouthWest Trials which you can join but I'm not sure how active it is.

    Also, Andrei Burton is Exeter based still i believe, he'd be a great person to get in touch with.

    Hope this helps!

  2. 3 hours ago, John Shrewsbury said:

    I believe James Porter had the frame as a one off. That trip we went on to Barcelona was the first time he rode it and possibly the last. I know he has just built it back up, but they never went to full production. You could possibly message him on Instagram/Facebook to ask the geometry. Here’s some pictures of him riding from that trip and recent photo off his Instagram 

    Cheers John! 

    Yeah thought that may have been the case, was thinking it would be nice to have something similar fabricated at some point down the line.


    Appreciate it.

  3. Anyone out there know what the geometry of the prototype Pashley was?

    I'm struggling to get on with my modern comp frame after a few years off and am after something a bit more bike-ish. I'd ideally like to try and find something similar.


  4. On 01/10/2020 at 10:47 AM, Mark W said:

    Is there any point in particular you seem to be getting the pain in/through? Where it is in your hand/wrist can usually help identify which part of your setup is causing you grief.

    It's mainly in the knuckles on the little and ring fingers but through the palm not the back of the hand. 

    I run 05 4 finger Magura's with Coast pads so they're fairly sharp, maybe a move to V could alleviate it a tad?

  5. I've barely ridden since moving down south 4/5 years ago now. I'd go on the odd ride very occasionally and find myself having fairly bad pains through my right hand almost instantly which stopped me from riding for too long. I don't really remember when it started just that it was after I stopped riding regularly. I always presumed if I left the bike for another few months it'd heal or I wouldn't notice it as much but that doesn't seem to be the case. 

    Has anyone had any similar issues in the past and could maybe recommend some remedies?

    I pretty much rode 3/4 times a week fro the age of 10 through to 19/20 so it could just be repercussions of overuse. Really itching to get back on the bike again so any advice would be wicked! 



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  6. Learn to pinch gap dude, you'll end up getting so much more of your power into your gaps. At the moment it looks like your relying on the back wheel rolling off for momentum when you'll get much more with the tyre compression on the edge. 


    Cool video though, love some of the spots in Liverpool.

  7. 1 hour ago, Canardweb said:

    Work and earn some money like everyone does! That will help you go to the comps you want to go to. All good riders have at least a half-time job aside from their riding. Vincent Hermance, Gilles Coustellier...etc... Do like them and stop asking!

    You really are a colossal anus.

    I don't know how good your geography is but Canada is an 8 hour flight at best from anywhere in Europe, and to fly there for each competition is a massive cost in travel alone in comparison with a tank of fuel needed to drive from France to somewhere like Belgium (which would probably be funded by their respective sponsoring companies anyway). Have you heard of Yess by any chance? The company that he founded? Very narrow minded to think someone would ask for complete funding and just sit there on their arse waiting for others to pay for them without putting any work in themselves. It is definitely a problem as it is also why many of the top Chinese riders don't attend the worlds because the travel costs are too steep.

    I'll donate a couple of quid, think its great that you're so committed to riding that you'll pay/travel so much just to compete Jeff.

    • Like 1
  8. So much style! 


    Didn't check the length before watching and was expecting it to be a full video from the way it was going. The riding more than made up for it though!

  9. 3 hours ago, Ali C said:

    what was that tyre gripping on on that sidehop? :P regarding this forum, you stated an opinion, we stated ours, a discussion was had, no swearing or put downs happened....not sure what the problem is?

    I like to think of it as down to the beauty of the walls at castle park;) Did have some better clips of it but thought they'd be best saved for a proper edit!

    Just felt like a bit of stab from some for having said opinion, not on your part but there you go

  10. Few from Bristol a couple of days ago 


    Won't bother trying to explain again on the riding side of things as it seems if an opinion doesn't fit in with an exact forum criteria it must be scrutinised.

    I'm sure i'll grow tired and give up with the forum the same as everyone else has fairly soon. 


  11. Seem to have hit a bit of a nerve. Wasn't a dig at anyone just expressing an observation... 


    I still stick with my view that it has taken over, I'm lucky enough to live in a part of the country where it hasn't died out quite as much as everywhere else. The fact that some are willing to drive hours from a parts of the country that used to be full of riders just to ride with someone else says it all really. I agree with starting on a heavy bike comment, but i've always thought kids should start on mods (T-pro being the daddy of them all) but now Onza has gone and everything on the pure trials side of things is completely comp orientated theres nothing along those lines anymore either.

    • Like 1
  12. Looking through this thread really does show how much Inspired and street riding has taken over trials.


    Shame really as TGS got me into all this and now theres just tiny fragments left of it. It also confuses me as to why people are wanted to start off on Inspired's as 90% of the best street riders gained there experience from riding pure trials and wouldn't be as good as they are without that. To me it seems kids are getting on big heavy street bikes only limiting there initial progression due to the weight and difficulty it takes to learn on such bikes and just throwing in the towel because it seems too hard for them. The number of Elements for sale all over the place says it all really. Real shame, trials really kept me out of trouble when i was growing up and its sad to see it dwindle away into pretty much only street trial in this country. 


    Not intended as a bitch about street riders as i just as much enjoy watching that side of it all, just wish the rest of the trials community hadn't suffered for it.

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