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  • County (UK Only)
    South Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    scott gregory
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    downhill racing
    4x/ jumping/playing around

scott_gregorydh's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. i did agree with livingston and thought in my head ' so i am not the only one who thinks this validation rule is a bit o.t.t.' but then after reading the rest of what the members have said it does all seem to sum trials riders up to a tee....very serious indeed. this site/forum is clean from the annoying bunch that cling on other well known forums like a fusty mould, adding their single braincell answer to a question some other more serious, more mature member has posted in hope of some help. i personally race downhill and im getting into trials again with a 20" bike of all things but for me the wait to become a member hopefully will come soon so i can interact with others and get my bits a bit cheaper too tea 2 sugars
  2. thanks fr the replies lads, the gu is built now and yes its bloody wierd at first but il get used to it and new new 2010 giant glory is due next week so i have 2 bikes to get used to. busy lad. have fun
  3. im scott i race downhill in the uk and im going to be getting back into trials to keep me entertained in between races. i need a hs33 rear bike to get the bike working but until im valiated or whatever it said i cant post much on here......... i work closely with cls and i can tell you now, his new proto bike is mint. wait till you see one in the flesh.....youll see what i mean. im very tired and i want to go to ........oh dear, are lass has brought me a beer. looks like im up for another 30mins. i like this forum with its clean lok and layout, much different from the dh forums i use. well enjoy reading this and well.......get out on the bike and push yourself that bit more.
  4. ayup, just wondering if anyone else on here did or like me still races downhill but also rides trials? im just in the process of buying my first trials bike since i was like 14 (a planet x - eeek i know but i worked for them in the summer hols). im building a gu and hopefully be riding it in a few week with cls so should soon be smashing my shins and god knows what else. its going to be wierd jumping from a dh bike to a 20" trials mod but im sure they'll be more positive things to come from it than negative. anyone else done the same or similar? ta. scott
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