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Everything posted by montyalp221

  1. Hello i seem to get bad back pain when i ride i also know that other people get it so i thought i would be helpful and try to help people. Basically some ideas if you have back pain are to try a higher rised stem Tilt the bar forward riser bars are a must add more stackers or which is a really good one is just to ride through the pain. which worked for me was the more stackers
  2. hey have a big wank and u will do 100"

  3. I thing i want to help people who are not so good to get better. Side hops basically you have to get lower on the back end and use every muscle as possible back wheels use your legs and arms up to fronts basically use your legs and push forward and try to kiss the front wheel people can add to this
  4. wanking makes me sidehop higher

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