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Posts posted by supertrialer

  1. Low prices for items that you'll probably not get, or be completely different to what you ordered when they arrive...

    That was exactly what i was thinking..then i can't get them rigth again.. i can't spend all my money and don't have what i want..thank you again ;)

  2. Hi guys, I would like to buy some new hubs, and the ones that I really want are just in trials-uk..is there any problem about buying there? I´ve already heard about some delivering problems but nothing seriously, I think. So, could you tell me if there's anything wrong with it?

  3. Don´t buy it! A friend of mine broke the frame in one month, the one that was on observedtrials sometime ago..than e get the insurance and received a new traktor frame that broke in the same place in just 2 weeks.

    So I think you should get the because or it probably brake with you ;)

  4. Do it! I also started trials with a 219 alp, but one year ago I bought the zoo python 09 and I've been improving every time I ride...219 alp, in my opinion it's a really good bike to begin on trials but when you got a lilttle bit more than basics and you know that trials it's "your" sport you need to change bike! So I think zoo python will be a good change ;)

  5. Great Vid man, keep up the riding, you've got a good street area!

    Thank you :rolleyes:

    The city where I live, here in Portugal, is one of the bests to street trials, has a lot of different good spots..but it doesn´t have any good place to natural trials..

    lol, loved it as much as your camera man did :lol:

    Great video!

    LOL, thank you..he was really liking being a cameraman :giggle:

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