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    Josh Laverty
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Trials Newbie

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  1. Those are some really interesting photos. Well shot, so few riders will cooperate with a shoot to do that.
  2. Thanks, I worked hard on it. Please tell your friends There is a french translation in the works with www.trial-inside.com on board. -Josh-
  3. It's finally done, and ready for the christmas season. It is available internationally here
  4. Congratulations to Vincent Abeyta, Winner of the raffle of the free book. The release date is fast approaching, and some more b-sides are up in the album. Thanks for everyone's participation.
  5. Put up another preview page, and some more b-sides http://www.facebook.com/pages/UCI-World-Championship-of-Trial-Monte-Sainte-Anne-Photo-Special/125561480829543?ref=ts
  6. That is kind of funny now that you mention it. Even The OMBI in canada has a newsletter. This is a bit of a test project to determine the market that could exist for other publications. The first preview page is up on the facebook group. For the next one, what do people want to see? Something in the book, or something that didn't make the cut? -Josh-
  7. I started by sidehopping to front wheel, with the intent of staying on my front wheel. That got my body comfortable in the right position, then I gradually worked it around until I could do it straight on.
  8. Throughout the years, I've been increasingly impressed that there is no substitute for a print in hand. The internet is so saturated with images, poorly displayed on your monitor, and so readily passed over. As a result, I have decided to publish a photo special of the trials championships. There was more than 26 gig of images shot, and while some fantastic images didn't make the book, it covers all of the categories and is written in an effort to allow somebody who has never seen trials to have an understanding of what was going on. As a promotion for this book, there is a facebook page here: Here By "liking" the page you will be entered in a draw to win a free copy of the book when it is released. There will also be some updates leading up to the release with sneak peaks of what's inside. Cheers, -Josh-
  9. Hello Trials Forum. I've been riding since 2000, and haven't bothered to join this forum until now. I'm 29 on the 3rd, and currently ride an Echo Team mod from 2003, and live in Markham (Toronto) Canada. -Josh-
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