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Posts posted by Blake

  1. On the subject of cheating, my ex cheated on me, and the lad she cheated on me with sacked her off almost immediately afterward. She threw her relationship with me away, and most of her friends in Sheffield, as they were mostly my friends, all for one night with a bloke who (according to a mate of hers) had a pretty small willy.

    I went a bit mental and started making sure that all our joint friends decided to stay my friend and chased her house mate, who turned out to be awesome and is still my girlfriend now haha (going on 3 years). My ex actually moved away and blamed me for removing all her friends haha. Still absolutely hate her now though and it's starting to bother me. Shouldn't I be able to hear people talk about her without wanting to murder her to death? As it is though, even the mention of her name fills me with much rage haha.

    I've read a lot about trying to deal with this lately, the best advice I've seen was something along the lines of: by being that angry at them you're giving them more space in your heart than they deserve. Not worth you getting that mad about someone who's a piece of scum.

  2. All my clips I filmed this summer in the event of a 'big' TGS edit that won't happen for a while. A lot of stuff I wanted to do I didn't end up actually doing, however I'm still happy with some of the clips and I'd just like to get them off my hard drive so might as well share them. I probably won't be riding much over the coming winter due to some personal issues, so might be the last footage of me for a while. If you could just watch it and if you like it, share and send it around I'd appreciate it. Thanks to Flawless and TeamToast crew, you've helped a lot.

    ps. Sorry I know Flipp's already used this track from Aphex but it suited my mood and couldn't find anything else to go in there, so if it bothers you sorry but whatever.



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  3. Anxiety and depression at an all time high this weekend :l

    Spent friday night at a girls house but nothing happened, I think she's just as f**ked in the head as I am. I'm feeling a bit hopeless and running out of reasons to bother anymore. I spent last night drinking in my room while everyone else was out having fun, I don't understand what's wrong with me anymore

    Like is it worth it really

  4. this is an example of trying to get your weight as far forward as possible, because I did that, the second part of the hook was no effort. Thats the mindset needed for hooks.....you really need to commit!

    57 seconds:

    I proper miss seeing footage of you riding like that

  5. Getting way too high most nights now. Need to chill out but having such a good night. Anyone got any tips for making yourself smoke less?

    One rule I had was as long as it didn't get in the way of your normal life it's okay, but I'd rather do it on occasions if you know what I mean. Find it easier to do than having a pint at the pub etc.

    Best way is to share it x

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