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    United Kingdom

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. ahh right, its okay

  2. sorry I cant afford it but good luck ;)

  3. Are you wanting the bike?

  4. (I cant either go on the "personal conversation" apparently) I don't see the use of this forum if a new guy that wants to learn cannot learn cause he cannot be a member (and to be a member you need to know smth)

  5. yea still forsale, you got my number? send me a text? x

  6. yeah its still for sale add my msn a_ross@hotmail.co.uk

  7. It doesn't let me use "personal conversations" because I am a new memeber :(

  8. It doesn't let me use "personal conversations" because I am a new memeber :(

  9. yea mate 07789282922 send me a text :)

  10. naa i can't mann, sorry

  11. I guess you can't sell your WHOLE bike anymore cuase you've split it, can you?

  12. (I'm a new memeber so i cant write on the "for sale" posts)

  13. I'm interested in your bike. is it still on sale?

  14. Hey I'm a new member so I can't comment on your "for sale" post.

    I'm interested in your onza skull, is it still for sale?

  15. That's a great video. You said you've been riding for 2 years and you've achieved this. I'm new to the forum and to the sport. I don't even have a bike yet, I'm practicing with an old and heavy BMX I'm happy to see that in 2 years you can get that good How old where you when you started? And how often do you usually practice?
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