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jonas kristiansen

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Everything posted by jonas kristiansen

  1. Thanks everyone, I'm glad you liked it! Yes Kevin, I will mostly be attending the UCI competitions next year, but if the date and location is right, I might go to a BIU competition also.
  2. Hi guys! Here is my new video. It is kind of a documentary about how I achieved many of the goals I had this season. The video is made by Action Media. Hope you like it! - Enjoy!
  3. Thank you! Actually i've already changed that technique. Now i'm starting with the left foot, wich makes it a lot more powerfull I've already started editing a new video with clips from some indoor training, and there you can see the "new" technique
  4. Hi everyone! I've made a video with a lot of clips that i didn't use during 2012, and i hope you will enjoy watching it. Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/56898172 Youtube:
  5. Hi guys! This video has been in the making for quite a long time now. The video is for the video competition GETcreative, and is filmed in my hometown in Denmark, in Austria in the Surroundings of Vöcklabruck, and in Vienna. The quality in the start of the video, turned out a bit bad after i uploaded it, but the quality is better about 1. min into the video. I would like to Thank Dominik Hackl for showing me all the great spots to ride, and trialaction.dk for their support Remember to watch in HD! Hope you will enjoy it Vimeo link: Youtube link:
  6. It Sounds like It's going to be even more fun this year, and last year was soo fun! I just can't wait!
  7. Thanks everyone, it really helped me a lot. I will consider saving some money for the 550D, but does it come with wide angel, or is it something I will have to buy myself? Williams: I'm from Denmark
  8. Hi guys. im about to buy a new video camera, so i will be able to make some good videos. but my problem is, that i dont know which camera will be good for making trial videos. ive found these two, and would really like to hear if any of you can recommend one of theese: gopro HD hero2: http://gopro.com/cameras/hd-hero2-outdoor-edition/ Sony HDR-CX260VE: http://www.sony.lv/product/cam-high-definition-on-memory-stick/hdr-cx260ve/tab/productbenefits#tab if any of you have another camera you can recommend, it would be great too, but it would be great if the price could match the other cameras thanks!
  9. Hi guys. Decided to film a little ride in the forest on my Mountainbike. I tried to do some Trial related lines hope you like it, cheers Video:
  10. Hi guys. This Is a little video a friend and I made during some indoor training. The video is filmed and edited on an iPad enjoy and feel free to comment Video:
  11. Hi guys. I've filmed and edited this on an Ipad, and it's kind a test. sorry for the music, it was the only thing available on the Ipad Video: Cheers
  12. Nice video! Dressler Camp is for sure the best biketrial event i've ever been to!
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