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Everything posted by trialsguyperth

  1. awrite, where is it you live in perth and kinross, feel free to come to perth anytime for a ride with me if you want. no one here does trials riding, if your up for it let me know and we can arrange something.

  2. awrite, where about in perth and kinross do you live. david barr says hes cumin to perth when the weather gets better to meet me for a ride? wondering if u were wanting to come too?

  3. Im looking at getting new pads soon anyways, i hear good things about these TNN pads, might get those Tnn belaey pads.
  4. I was using tar for years on my bike to me it was good and work really well. I was reading through this forum and people go on about grinding your rim is the best and the way forward so i tried it. I went at my rims with a grinder today and holy shit what a differance. It stuck really well and stayed there. I am using viz yellow pads on the back and onza citrus pads on the pads, you guys that go on about grinding being better i couldnt agree more its fantastic anyone still using tar go and grind your rim.
  5. just wanting to know where all the items on the tarty bikes competition were as it was doing my nut in because i couldnt find a couple of them. haha im sad i know.
  6. buy a new cable, not much point in fixing your one as there would be a weak spot.
  7. Gentlemen please let us not argue. My question was only to find out if the mail was operating in other peoples areas. thanks for helpful input
  8. i cant view any private messages from you because i need to be validated first.

  9. hey, yea it would be good to meet up with some riders in scotland, nice one. Thanks for the validation vote man.
  10. Does anyone know whats the crack with the post have all the lorries stopped or is it just my area? Anyone got any info on whats happening with the postal services. Im wanting to know whats happening because im waiting for something coming from england? This topic may sound a little not needed but im really needing to know. Cheers guys
  11. for your gaps man, start by trackstanding then lean back then kick your pedals and lean forwards quickly and lift up your handlebars. you have to do a couple of things at once here though, its about shifting your weight and kicking and lifting up your handlebars at the same time. you have to use your bodies momentum to make you go a greater distance. As for your sidehops is basically the same principle. For your confidance i guess its just what your comfortable with, stick to what you know and get that down then move onto higher ledges, bigger gaps.
  12. davidbarr i noticed u contacted me, i couldnt view the message though says im not allowed to yet i think. i think i need to get validated or something first before i can sent a message, so if you dont mind could you speak to me on this topic for the now. cheers man
  13. hi everyone, My name is colin and i live in perth, I have a orange superlight frame with the whole bike been custom built. Ive been riding trials for a few years kinda on and off just got back into it a couple weeks ago and since theres hardly anyone that rides here im looking for a couple of riding partners haha, ive noticed theres a couple of people on the site that lives in the perth and kinross area so if any of you guys fancy meeting up for a session please could you let me know.
  14. hi everyone, as you all have most likely guessed im new on here, looking for some people to ride with around my area, its kinda dry around here in the way of trials. pretty much only me. that i know of anyway so if anyone lives around perth please let me know n we can meet up for a ride i can travel to likes. thanks
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