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Posts posted by jacksnell95

  1. best way to get tar is to ask roofing companies if they've got a little bit of tar you could have or hat me and my mate do down the beach were we ride there is a path next to a roof which has loads of tar and we just get a spanner and peel the stuff off

  2. First of all, this is how your post should have been written. Secondly writing 'hope this helped' is not going to get you validated, especially if you don't use punctuation or spell things properly.

    Also as for the original question; if you have only just got the bike, ride it until the pads bed in, then keep riding it and only then decide if you think you need to change. Honestly it depends on your style and ability as well as your weight, setup and the type of stuff you like to ride.

    i have ridden trials before buddy

  3. i personally prefer magura rim brakes becasue there lighter and personally i think they look nicer but on my old bike i had front disc and that was better than my back magura and it was only a cable disc but its probally personal preference more than anything but a trick i have found for magura rim brakes is if you cant grind your rim go to asda or any other store buy some cheap hairsray spin your wheel spray it on the rim leave for like 5 or 10 mins and your rim is then sticky also this is a great way to make grips stick just spray hairsray inside it slide them on and leave until the hairspray drys

    hope this helped :)

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