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    United Kingdom

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Ok, thanks for the recommendations, so how much would you recommend aiming to spend on a first bike, second hand? Roughly I mean, obviously it'll depend on the exact machine. Also, remember that this is just recreational to me, fun and exercise, cant imagine I'll ever be wowing people like the vids on YouTube, but I'll certainly have a lot of fun trying
  2. I haven't decided, as I don't know the pros and cons. My main criteria would be cheap, but I wouldn't like to put too little into it and get a bad bike
  3. Ok, so the machine does make a big difference then. Another question then, as a beginner, and being on a tight budget, what sort of thing should I be looking out for? Or maybe I should ask, anything I should avoid? Can anyone recommend any good shops in N Ireland? It'll be a few months before I get any funds scraped together anyway...
  4. Hi all, just joined the forum, I've been a lurker for a long time on trials stuff, watching these kinds of vids on youtube etc. I've not got a trials bike (yet) but have been practising track stands and some other basic stuff on my normal mountain bike. Can't wait to scrape together the funds to get a proper bike. First question then (please forgive me if its a really stupid one), how much of a difference does a proper trial bike make? What is it about it that is so different?
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