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Ruben Rocha

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  • Real Name
    Ruben Rocha
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  • Country
    Portugal, Portuguese Republic

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. I uploaded a new video to vimeo to demonstrate de updates. The major one is the physics. Do you think that's more aproximated to real physics? What would you change? Thank's in advance
  2. The video is while i'm playing. I already knew that you were making a flash game (I commented in youtube recently) and when you told me to come here to see your project I found mine Good luck to your project too.
  3. Thank's. About the power bar it's debatable. I think it's important in almost every move (maybe I will remove from the HOP) so you can feel what you're doing and you can also fail sometimes. I could adjust the power automatically based on the height of the wall but....... Well it's something to consider and I will wait for some replys to decide what to do.
  4. Hi. It's cool that my "game" is being commented in this forum since I only published some WIP's on Vimeo. My original idea was to do a full 3D biketrial game but, since I'm not a programer I decided to try a 2.5D version that is simpler to implement. In fact that's true, I liked his game and I'm trying to do my 3D version of it. As you said it's slow and needs lots of improvments but, as I said, it's a WIP(work in progress) so it's being done when I have some time. I want it to be pretty good so it will take a while to finish it. I have a blog where i'm posting the news. The problem is that it's in portuguese (i thought and i'll make a English version of it). http://biketrial3dgame.wordpress.com Well, thank's for the post and if you want to see de progress visit my blog.
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