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  1. Yeah thanks for that... The only problem I have is that I can't find any street trial bikes cheap. I don't have much money to spend and the VooDoo is pretty cheap and it looks nice and it also looks pretty good for street on these videos... Thanks -Alex
  2. I don't think its that bad is it... It looks alright for doing street trials on and stuff. Why isn't it very good for trials? -Alex
  3. Thanks for this ^^ So I looked around and found a nice looking bike that I liked and it is a VooDoo Shango. This bike is relatively cheap and I was wondering what you guys thought of it. -Alex
  4. Marino? Do you have a link for one? :L -Alex
  5. Yeah it looks all right but it is £500 and I could get a onza zoot for that much and the onza is better... thanks anyway... (: Any other suggestions? -Alex
  6. Thanks, so do you have any suggestions for a more street like bike about the same price range as the MAD Phase? -Alex
  7. Yeah I have been looking at Onza Zoot's but I cant really find any that are in my price range... What do you think the MAD Phase is like? Thanks, Alex
  8. Hello, I have been wanting to try street trial riding for a while now but I want to start of by buying a decent bike to help me off. I am looking for a 24" street bike that is as cheap as possibly under £300. I know this is a lot to ask especially for a cheap price but I have looked on so many different sites now and still cant find exactly what I want... I have see the Mad Phase but I'm not sure about this bike and if it is suitable to do street trials on and I am wondering if there are any other bikes like this. I also REALLY love the inspired bikes and I saw the Onza Zoot to but this is still out of my price range. do you know any other bikes like these but are cheaper? Thanks, Alex
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