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    Uruguay, Eastern Republic of

Fede's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Pregunta. Hay compatibilidad de componentes? o sea. Si me llego a comprar la Koxx karbon. Luego puede ponerle repuestos ECHO ? como la caja del pedalier, el eje y masa de las ruedas? Saludos, fede.
  2. Hola. Tengo 2-3 dias para decidirme de una vez por todas. Estoy en un gran dilema... Tengo para comprar una Koxx Karbon 26" usada. Pero vi muchas fotos y parece estar en buen estado. Sale 650 euros Y sino estoy en vista de comprar una de estas dos: http://www.racingtrials.es/epages/225555.sf/es_ES/?ObjectPath=/Shops/225555/Products/02016 Zoo Piranha 2011 26 " 945 euros (consigo descuento, hable con el local de venta) http://www.racingtrials.es/epages/225555.sf/es_ES/?ObjectPath=/Shops/225555/Products/02011 Echo TR ( desconozco ese modelo... parecida a la Pure) 2011 26" 995 euros Pero no me puedo decidir Te cuento los Pros y Contras: Pros: La Koxx karbon sale 300 euros menos (400 dolares americanos) Es excelente marca. Esta linda la bici esteticamente. Tiene componentes interesantes como: _piñon de 9 gatillos _freno delantero hope _trasero magura hs33 Contras: La bici es usada y es 2008... la Zoo o Echo son 2011... no se si hace la diff eso. Tiene la rueda delantera un poquito descentrada. No creo que le haga mucho eso. El BB es 25mm... medianamente bajo no? eso es lo que mas me hace dudar... Xq la Zoo tiene 5o mm de BB... Intente mirar videos de la Koxx.. a ver si realmente es TAN asi de que la altura del BB cambia tanto lo mucho que puedes saltar. Vi como que les cuesta un poco mas si... pero no mucho tampoco. Y por otro lado... la Koxx tiene un BB bajo... y si se puede saltar bien con un BB bajo. Capaz que hasta mejor, porque con un BB bajo podes practicar mejor algo de street supuestamente. Aparte que debe ser mas comoda... Por otro lado la ZOO y la Echo son nuevas del 2011. Son 300 euros mas pero se que no lo le voy a tener que invertir nada, mas que repuestos por si rompo. La karbon no lo se. Porque la vende un usuario particular en españa, solo vi fotos y lo que me detallo la persona. ( si quieres te paso fotos) Dudas que me quedaron: _La Zoo es 2011. En tarty bikes dicen que la 2012 tiene 50 BB. Pero la 2011 no encontre por ningun lado. _La Echo TR no la encontre por ningun lado. Es raro ese modelo. _Si tuviera que elegir entre estas 2. No sabria cual. Primero porque por lo que vi parece hacerlas el mismo fabricante ECHO. Segundo porque son muy parecidas en componentes, calidad etc. Tu que harias? La tienda que me dices en colombia no me sirve. Porque al pasarla por la aduana me cobran un 80% de recargo. La bici que pensaba comprar viene de españa, me la trae un amigo y la hace pasar como de "uso personal" y la aduana no me cobra impuestos. La ultima opcion que tengo es comprar en brazil, en: http://biketrialbrasil.com/loja/ Ahi solo venden partes de bici. Entonces tendria que pedirle todas las partes necesarias para armar una bici (que no tengo mucha idea la verdad) Hable con el local y me dijo que me pueden llegar a hacer un descuento si le pido muchas partes. Y me la envian hasta una ciudad frontera con Uruguay. Ahi yo deberia cruzar la frontera y traermela como "uso personal"... por el mismo motivo que el de colombia. En fin... Sigo mirando videos... Y tratando de decidirme... La Koxx Karbon me seduce mucho... 650 euros... pero es usada... La Zoo Piranha o la ECHO son nuevas... 950 euros y 995 euros respectivamente... Si podes ayudarme en la eleccion muy agradecido Tampoco se muy bien que hacer... llego justito a los 995 euros... Soy nuevo en trial... por eso tengo tantas dudas. Perdon. Tu que harias?? Si quieres te paso uans fotos de la Koxx Las otras you te di los links PD: estos frenos son buenos? FRENO DELANTERO: ECHO TR 2011 FRENO TRASERO: ECHO TR 2011 Comparables con un magura hs33 estan a la par? o son peores? Saludos, Federico.
  3. Hi I'm going for a used Koxx Karbon 26" Seems to be good for starting in trials. Is this one: http://www.al4bikes.com/b2c/index.php?page=pp_producto.php&md=0&ref=karbon+26 The only "bad" thing is that it has 25 BB. But i'm not sure if that also is a consequence of that the wheelbase is 1075 Also I can get the Koxx Boxx 26" http://www.al4bikes.com/b2c/index.php?page=pp_producto.php&md=0&ref=koxx+boxx+xxxxxx Is a little bad maintained but it has higger BB 50 and longer wheelbase 1090 I'm I'm going for the Karbon. Any sugestion? Thanks.
  4. Hi again anyone knows a page like this one: pinkbike but has bikes on spain? If I import the bike directly, customs made me paid a recharge of 80% percent of taxes... It's a lot... something that cost 1000 pounds then cost to me 1800 pounds... and i don't have that money a friend of my, is going to Spain this month. So I really considering to buy a trial bike there in Spain. And I was thinking in buy an used one, but I can't find much places where to buy it. Just one forum. Thanks.
  5. Peluca, se me hace que sos o de españa o de sudamerica! jaja Por fin alguien que habla el mismo idioma. Voy a seguir mirando esta pagina, a ver que puedo encontrar interesante. (you vi varias cosas) Gracias nuevamente por el dato. Saludos, federico. Mi msn es elfefo13@hotmail.com por las dudas. Hi. Thanks a lot. 2 big questions. First one I cannot find where the store is located. Rio grande do sul... But where?? Porto alegre? Pelotas? Rio grande? Uruguaiana? Passo Fundo?? I'm from uruguay... and we are just next to this state of Brazil. Second one Like anothers bikes stores. I always found parts of bike, but there isn't a entire product. You can buy cranks, stem, rims, etc etc.... But I can't find a link to see a entire bike, only parts. Thanks.
  6. okay thank you a lot (for both) I'll investigate a little more in the echo trial 24" and the echo pure 26" Not sure because some people says that in a 24" felt scramped (i suppose that means it didn't fit very well...) and I'm quite tall... almost 1.90 metres but I still investigating a little more. If someone knows bikes of others brands that are in this range of prices and are still good, let me know please. Like the beacuse 24" there aro Zoo too... I'm not sure what it would be the best brand for this range of prices... koxx is a little higer in money I think echo is a really good brand? thanks everyone for help me I aprecciate you In this days I'll finding out how much taxes I will must pay to the customs of my country... I hope not much money... because that will affect directly of the price of the bike I could purchase... PD 1: about the streets. I'm thinking that perhaps... If I continues for a years with trials (that is what i would like) I could buy another kind of bike (of the street trials) and have both styles. PD 2: I'm just starting. And I'm not doing insane jumps or things on bike... So I hope this not broke at least for a year.
  7. First of all, A lot of thanks for the answer!! My apologize for the delay. Were intentional. Yes, sounds strange. But these days, I was studing a little of trials. Searching on this forum, on internet, on youtube, in order to absorb knowledge about trials and not bothering you with stupid or annoy questions. I suppose you are tired of answering the same questions over and over again. And that is the cause of my delay of this reply. Okay. I have taken a choice at the moment. I choose pure trials bicycles... I'm not so sure but I try everything to be really decided and I cant... I founded that I really like things of both worlds... pure trials and street But considering a certains of things (that I really dont know if they are true!) I made my decision. - Is my first time on a trial bike. I suppose that is more easy learning the basics on a pure trial. That's true? Also they are less heavier... - I want to learn more skills of trials than street... Just the G-turned and the called "american bunny hop" There are a few thing that I saw o read and don't understand. - On this forum I read that this types of trials bikes are more fragile than the street bikes. (I'm going to practice in the city) why's that?? watching Neil Tunnicliff i saw that he broke in three different times his back rim 1:26 1:46 and 2:41 - The second... Ryan Leech in his tutorials (Mastering the art of trial) always uses bikes with seat and BB of no more than 20 or 30, with front suspensions too, and he's still static in all his movements. Back wheel gap. Front Wheel gap, etc. These videos make me go back and and make me doubt about the posibility of an Inspired Hex or Fourplay... . But then I see that he almost anyone uses this bikes on rocks so... I start to doubt again... of stay with the trials bikes... despite the fact I will practice on rocks perhaps only on summers... 30 days per year - I didn't saw anyone on trials bikes doing the called "american bunny hops". I read here that in this bikes is a little more difficult. I suppose that is caused for the higer BB that trials bikes have. So, it's really possible to do it? The american bunny hoping according to the videos of "think bikes" are this type of movement minute 1:51 or here at the minute 0:46 This is better. It's that trick possible on trials? Okay... resuming... I saw the bikes Echo Pure 26" Echo pure Sl 26" (don't know if I will have that money) and the Echo trial 24" (this one I don't konw because of my height of 1.90 metres tall) I thought that this one would be perfect! And perhaps will be better to practice a little of street than in a echo pure 26". But when I saw that it has a 70 BB all my thought went down the drain... The echo has 55 BB... It's really a big difference?? Because on this forum i saw that for a lot of people seems to be important... Any recomendation of bikes between 700 and 1000 euros is welcome Sorry for bothering you again. And thanks for answer my questions. Federico.
  8. Hi guys! I hope you'll understand my english because English is not my native language... sorry. I'll try to give the best I'm going to buy a trials bike in a few days online (because doesn't exist trials bike shops on my country.. Uruguay) I have a big doubt... that i can't solve searching on internet... wich techniques of trial can be performed on a 26" and wich on a 24" (i'll explain better below) First of all... some data from me: -I'm 1.90 metres tall. -I practice Mountain bike in a Giant Iguana 26" that has a 21" frame... it's like a XL on a GT bike an others brands.. -I'll practice trials in the city... I don't have much naturals elements like rocks (stones), etc.. -I'm more interested in trials skills than in street bmx skills -I 've never practiced trials before Well... let's talk about doubts... (the questions are in blue color) 24" Vs. 26" everybody says that 24" is for street-trials riding and 26" is pure trial, like 20" mod. I saw on internet people saying that on a 26" you can do the same tricks you do on a 24" plus you can perform other trials techniques that you can't on a 24"... wich ones??? I'm interested more in pure trials skills than in street skills... I'm just want to learn a few things of street... like the G-turned trick, front manual, back manual and not much else. up here, it could be obvious: Get a 26" !!! yes! but... The truth is that i'm going to practice trials in a city... with the city common elements... so i suppose that a 24" would be better... i saw in videos that the 24" more maneuverable and agile than 26"... it's small, etc... and... if on a 24" I could do the same of on a 26".. I would prefer a 24" because of the Plus of have a bike where i can practice street trials things now and in the future. so...? I don't konw what to do... I can't test anyone because I'm on the other side of the world 24" In this video: Minute: 1:09 to 1:14 and Minute: 3:07 to 3:14 That's pure trial... and I'm afraid cannot do that in a 24" because of the geometry of the bicycle, the seat or something else... this is also pure trial... Kenny Belaey indoor RiDe - Is that can be done on a 24" ? Everyone know who's Danny Macaskill. I've noticed that he almost always take away from the obstacle and runs to him, in order to jump. Like on the minute 2:00 of the video: And on kenny... I´ve noticed that he is placed next to the obstacle, and stand still, and then jump over the obstacle. Like on the minute 1:13 of Kenny Belaey indoor RiDe - I think the first one is like BMX stret and the second one is more like trial. Can you do this second one but in a 24" ?? Stand still before jumping?? 26" Not much to say about these. Just one thing... is posible to do the things that danny do in the video: Minute 0:40 to 1:03. Industrial revolutions - or could be a quite more difficult on a 26"?? Money I have at most 1200 euros... (1500 northamerican dollars) on 24" I saw the inspired fourplay pro and echo trial... on 26" I saw the inspired hex pro and the echo pure SL... this one of kenny look nice but It don't says the brand: I don't know if the seat is relevant beyond the seat makes the bike even more heavy... i think that the seat change the geometry... this doesn't allow something? like practice a certain types of movements?? in conclusion... I suppose I prefer a 24" because has the plus of street-trials ride and is more maneuverable, agile, etc. But if that decision means that I must sacrifice the chance of practice some trials skills, I would prefer a 26"... Would be very grateful if you can help me with this doubts... I'm just want to take the right decision... without mistakes... I've only one chance to get the correct type of bicycle perhaps I'll don't have another chance if a must change the size of the bike...thanks! I really want to practice trials! Federico PD: sorry... it's a very long topic but It's a new world for me... I hope you could understand me and my not so good english. Thanks anyway
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