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Posts posted by andyzplace

  1. hmmm. i assume you mean the threads are stripped? do you mean the dent is holing the pedal in? :(

    anyways, id say if you are looking at budget cranks then hussfelts are a good choice, plus if you get some new ones now then i'm pretty sure they come with pedal thread inserts that can be replaced if you do it again.

    if not then you could always look at getting a decent set of 2nd hand 3pc off ebay for under £50 (if your not too bothered about the extra weight)

  2. just incase you already haven't replaced it, you could look at buying high tensile bolts if it happens again. i would still have a good look around the brake area to see if there are any defect with the frame (e.g mount angled inwards at the top) which would create unneccessary stresses on the brake / bolt

  3. Not really, ISIS is menna be ALOT easier to round off that tapered, but only if that tapered cranks are tightened and not loose, the they should last you years without failure :(

    hmm. im afraid not. the nature of the isis design is to prevent round-age and it works very well.

    have you got any pics of rounded isis cranks/bb's. it would be interesting to see what they looked like.

  4. try standing differently on the bike too. i know that when i first started trials i had difficulty getting any distance because my weight was too far back. if you shift your weight forward in anticipation of the gap then you will gain more momentum and get further.

    practice makes perfect.

  5. there used to be another type of magura lever. cant remember what it was called now but i looked old skool in fancy anodised colours. the tpa was around the piston (Y) cant really explain it very well but they looked pretty funky.

  6. don't bother with either. get the heatsink white v-pads. has them on my 24bmx for a while now and they are awesome. enough grip for stalls etc when you need it yet bags of modulation for manuals etc :( (i'm running a standard rim, no grind, no polish and they are just right)

  7. just a thought, but you know the whole hopes have 3 pawls engaging at the same time thing?, well do they actaully??, i mean do all three pawls engage at precisely the same time applying exactly the smae amount of pressure on each pawl?

    it strook me a while back when i listened very closely to my hope hub as i slowly turned the freewheel in my hand that there are 3 seperate smaller clicks to each major click.

    so was my hope hub just really running on the first click and usins the second and maybe third as a backup?

    i know theres a whole loads of axle bending jibber jabber that i havent really looked into but in a strange way, thats fiarly worrying.

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