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Posts posted by holymush

  1. Indeed im now very much aware of this now i have a bit of knowledge and this forum behind me :D...was buying it without ever even seeing a trials bike before so knew nothing at all :/

    Tempted to spank the credit card and get the new bike going now :D


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  2. I thought cheap bike to start with, have a go if I like it then more expensive bike eventually!

    120 quid off eBay ....why...o why did I buy it!!!! Clearly not looked after in any way! I basically need a new bike now as this one spends more time being fixed/ in the shed with me realising the only way to fix is replace...but would rather buy new parts for my new bike!

    I'm true upset...but rant over! Thanks for listening.


  3. Pic of my new bike so far! :D


    Forks and BB on their way tomorrow hopefully!

    The t-pros BB is still in a bad way....tempted to start building the new bike early but i want a whole new bike to get on in like 2 months....cuz im weird like that!


  4. WOW! i was using my tape measure and looking at stuff the BB was about 1 mm too smal in diameter so wasnt quite catching thread properly (i bought the bike with it in).

    so went and got a cheap BB to see if it was beyond help....but ITS IN! ..woulda made people cry watching me try get it in...but it spins and its all good for now! gonna put my bike back together and keep this one whilst i purchase a whole new bike in pieces in the background :) im new so a shitty bike wont hurt me for a few months :)


  5. what is the size of the thread for bottom bracket? i measured 1 3/8" and how many thread per inch?

    lots of questions sorry...this is bugging me and wanna get on to fixing it asap!


    also emailed tarty bikes.....they like a million miles away if i can get it sorted a bit closer to home i will but if needs must il send it away :)

  6. gimme some time to get the bike back together...possibly looking at a month or so to get this thread / new frame situation sorted then im definately up for a ride....warning: ive never ridden a trials bike before ....im still learning to trackstand :D.

    thanks for the welcomes :)

  7. took my bike apart and the bit where the bottom bracket goes through the frame (if someone could tell me the technical term), the thread look a bit beat up!

    Anyone ever had thier frame machined and sleeved? dunno how an ali frame would take to it.


  8. Hi guys!

    made couple posts already ...damn the post limit for new members :D

    Anyway my names mike, im 26 years of age and live in southampton...if theres anyone else gimme a shout on here or 'michael pollock' on facebook.

    just got a second hand onza t-pro...which is now in bits....and soon to be soilt with new BB, cranks and free wheel as something seems to be bent!

    while im waiting for payday to arrive the frame, forks and bars are off to the powder coaters to be made white!

    thats about if for now :)

    Hi :)


  9. see attached pic!

    i got a hole in my brake line so i cut the old hose off but i cant get the new hose over the hose tail for love nor money! its quite frustrating...any tips? as they are plastic they dont like to flex too much :/



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