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Posts posted by Thehiphopsolidier

  1. Really nice but I'm pretty tired of that color shift, ther many other less expensive paint that provides a more unique color shifting.

    My old bmx fork...

    Well I can, I work as a custom painter and know what the products cost.

    Anodizing has nothing to do with paint.

  2. WD40 finns ju där 5-56 säljs tex på jula.

    Jag bruka spola ur frihjulet med crc bräkclean och låta det

    avdunsta en stund och sen smörja med 5-56 eller wd40.

    Med däcket är det bara att prova att vända på den men skulle inte skära bort något.

  3. The disc works very well and it was only one side that broke because it had a repair on the side that melted.

    I dragged the brake to break the disc. The whole point of making prototypes, testing the limits.

    I will not go into how I make my parts because it is only me who will be using them.

    More pictures and maybe a video of when I use the disc, when I feel like it.

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