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Posts posted by cookie456_the2nd

  1. Hold up mate, its only been on here 10 mins, im downloading now will edit my post when done.

    Nice, i like the 360s, manualls along thin stuff, reminds me off when when i used to ride street properly!

    Few big drops, and nice gaps. Smoothness.

    Needs to be longer, keep up the good work (Y)

  2. Although once i did click the link, it came up with a very well made page, which looked just like an ebay page, and had all the areas to enter info on.

    But what they didnt realise, is that if you check the link, it isnt ebay.

    I did try to fill it in once, but they wouldnt accept my name as "leave me the **** alone you cheap scamming ****, im going to find you and rip your **** off and feed it to you with a spoon"

    If you want to know what these scams look like, ask and ill post some

    Yea, i got one like that from paypal apparently, was pretty sure it wasent from them but clicked it any way, came up with a very well made page, it hid the original address bar and replaced it with some other thing that was trying to tell me i was on paypal site.

  3. I'd think it was a scam if someone was trying to sell something to you, but seems as your selling something, then you should be fine. JUst get him to pay cash upfront or by paypal.

  4. dont like it when its too cold, cant move ma fingers much...

    when its too hot, i get sweaty, i hate it, and i dehydrate really easily,

    dont mind it when its drizzling, as long as ma rake still works, ish,

    dnt like it when it pours with rain, allthough i can be fun, (Y)

    i like it when its not to hot, not to cold, just about in the middle...

  5. Right, i need to get my old acs claw off, and get my new one on, without the proper tool. I cant get hold of one at the moment, and arent the different to the standard freewheel removing tools?

    Any one got any ideas?

    EDIT: Right, i got the tool but the freewheel just wont budge, its on a wheel, not a crank so its not as easy to just put in a vice.

    any ideas?

  6. But the train can't stop, that would mean it would stop and start without anyone knowing.

    There for going from 0mph to 50 mph instantly, which is impossible.

    If the train went from 50 mph to 0mph, instantly, i think the passengers would meet the drivers carriage, instantly lol

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