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Posts posted by crinks85

  1. Onza are going to send me out another one as a replacement, but I'm reluctant to use it incase it happens again. I'm lucky not to torn a hole in my leg or broke something, It might just go in the box for a spare and get an Isis one come payday!

  2. got to take it back to the shop i got it from and send it for warranty inspection, i think isis is the way to go. if they wont replace it with a isis one i might try to get the value discounted of of it.

    drop me a msg Bing about the cranks, probs have them off you.

  3. Well after the tyke trial yesturday I thought id do omore riding back at my local spot down at Richmond falls and within 5seconds my bottom bracket snapped! I have never seen it happen before. Is it common?

    Thankfully I was try to hop up something and not down something as it would of ripped my leg wide open!


  4. i assume you didnt use trials specific pads yet?the difference is astonishing!

    i too used red maguras as a beginner,but was blown out of my shoes from phatpads(that were the second ones i tried)

    im not sure which pads i had in first but my mate that gave me them said they where good ones, lime green ones that wernt cheap i think. so far the ones that come on the hs33 trials edition seem maybe a tad harder but still just as good on a grinded rim.

  5. as im still newly back into the scene i could do with some help once again.

    could someone confirm what freewheel will fit on this non disc hub.


    im wanting to get sorted this week so its ready for my next tyketrial. which means i could do with buying tonight!

    all help appreciated



    can a front freewheel fit on? im confused :blink:

    http://www.rocknrollbikes.com/bmx/wheels/freewheels/tensile-96-click-freewheel-trials.html ?

  6. On that wheel set would I be best to go for disc hubs even though I run magura front and back? Thinking for resale etc. Is £40 about right for a tensile 70? If I got the disc tensile hubs I would guess it would be a good combo?

  7. Just received the dmr hub and it looks spot on for the money, the freewheel on the back needs changing as it has the same amount if engagements as the one I have on now! What would people go for, again trying not to spend loads.

  8. would this shimano saint be a good choice for the money? £40, few years old but least its brand new. its has 36 engagments with 3 sets of prawls, is that good? as im not sure on this side of things.

    i am going to reuse the rim that i have so only looking for just a hub. leaves sum extra cash for a new front rim brake! struggled with my disc on sunday, brake faded for some reason and its fine for air etc.

  9. Thanks for the replays everyone, I can see it going towards the change of hub route as its probably the cheapest. I would say the frame and some parts on the bike doesn't wararant a large some of money to change the drive train around as its only an entry level bike. After the basics have been changed I wouldnt go any further as i would ne better buying a more compatant bike.

    Plus I don't think my skill level needs the best stuff just yet. More reliable and solid. Only done 1 trial so far the bikes showing a few battle scares!

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