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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Thanks all, decided on building my own ground up, will keep everyone posted
  2. Hi all new to this forum, but I'm an old school rider at heart, let me start off by asking what frames out there are suitable for an every day commute to work as well as trials riding, without having to adjust or change to many components? A little more information on me and where I'm coming from, my name is jamie Nast, I grew up with riders such as Craig lambton and Ian Drummond both now record holders and professionals at 3sixty, this was back in the day lol a good 14 years ago and obviously over time you loose contact, we all rode together through school, and for a year or 2 afterwards but as people grow and move on it was inevitable that we would eventually loose contact.... Anyways the point I'm trying to get to is that back in the day we used old 14" giant frames or specialised p1s, even an orange msisle was used, In fact we never really got around to a new day trials bike untill I bought the very first onza that came out, it had square tubing frame and the smallest useless seat in the world haha, again shooting off topic, the point being though that even though the frame sets we used were small we could ride them around all day if we wanted to go for a ride, all the trials frames I see now would be useless for that task to start with I need a seat!! Rear gears would be useful to but that's an easy fix. So is there anything out there that's old school or do I go old school and try to bring back a p1 All of you know more on this subject now than I do, it's been 8 years plus since I've looked into trial riding and help would be greatly appreciated thanks. Jamie
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