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Posts posted by DeeDougie

  1. my wheels have been really buckled in the past...just set your pads further away.

    but then I don't get any bite!?... eg. too spongy.

    Spend a few quid on a spoke key and learn to true your wheel off youtube or google, easy enough to do.

    'Triffic! thanks I'll Have a look now!..... Im assuming then that its pretty important to keep them true?

  2. the spongyness might be down to the bleed mate trappee air give it a re bleed and try again

    to be honest I don't think it is the bleed buddy. as soon as I touch the lever the pads move.. I just think the brake setup is wrong and the pads are too worn!?..

    Do I need new pads or the double whammy of true wheel AND pads?

  3. I've bought a 2nd hand bike and I've just done my first bleed on my rear hs11 brake.

    Its apparent that the rear wheel isn't completely true and a slight "buckle" can be seen when its in free wheel.

    The brake is still awful and spongy and I think I've established new pads are required because I cant seem to line them up close enough to the rim.. but im assuming the true-ness of the wheel is still going to be an issue with rubbing new pads!?!....

    How important is a true wheel in trials? Obviously it plays a big part in road racing but with all of the drops gaps hops and explosive riding etc is it going to be a persistent problem or will new pads generally be the answer or is a combo of the both needed.

    Thanks in advance gents!

    I JUST WANT TO GET OUT RIDING haha brand new to trials and I've not been able to ride yet!

  4. full bleed is required on my hs11 brake and I have 2 x syringe and hose.. problem is I need the threaded attachment for the lower point which allows the hose to attach air-tight.

    I don't really want to part with £££ for a magura bleed kit in its entirety as ive got 90% of whats needed.

    Can anyone give any advice as to where I could maybe get this threaded "nipple" to attach the hose or what it is called or is it a specialist or homebase/ BnQ jobby!? im trying to get this sorted this morning if poss!!!... EEK!.

    Thanks all.

  5. Just taken delivery of my first bike and putting a couple of early pictures up.

    Please excuse the quality and after numerous attempts to make them at the correct rotation just wasnt working!!

    Bike is an Onza zoot 2010 model purchased 2nd hand for £210.

    Spec is pretty much complete standard however hs11 brake on the rear.

    Im going to give it the once over and at 1st glance the rear brake cable needs trimming, front cable needs replacing and new grips required.

    Overall though im really happy with the overall standard it seems in great condition. 1 scuff on the frame and the cranks have taken a bit of a beating but thats to be expected.

    Any comments or advice welcome.





  6. That was actually a quality bit of footage. Ive just got into the trials scene and it seems a week late!! Ive gotta get involved next year. Woulda been good to even spectate! Good trials community it seems. Best get practising!!

  7. Just bought my 1st bike (2nd hand 2010 zoot) really plessed with it n it seems the previous owner kept it really well with a few upgrades already fitted. Jackpot!

    1st issue though is no grips on the bike. Without sounding a right ol div.... wat are the preferences for grips in trials? Soft/sponge/hard/rubber/knobbly/smooth etc.

    Oh and I have just thought while writing this post.... cant seem to find the geo or original spec list for the 2010

    Zoot anywhere. The 2013 is easy enough (tarty provide with all bikes) but will this be the same for the 2010? Or if anyone has the 2010 spec list would they be so kind to post it back to me as I want to see what other aftermarket products have been added that I may have missed.

    Cheers. Dougie

  8. 1s post!!

    Wanted to say hello n introduce myself being completely new to trials (apart from some basic moves on my DH bike) gna be getting my 1st trials bike in the next week or so once my old bike gets picked up n I get the £££ in my hands!

    If anyone is in the maidstone kent area n doesnt mind someone gawping at them trying to learn the basics please do let me know! Im keen n want to progress!!


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