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Posts posted by FoxRacer

  1. Actually you haven't helped me:P Still got same problem. I'm not likely going to buy any acs shit or something. As freewheel = me healthy;]. Don't want to spend money on second chris king (only if i could find some super bargain) as it's going to be my second bike, which will be used only from time to time. I'll add poll the thing which win is going to be bought;)

    Concluding you are saying that either of them will be good as long as i won't buy anything acs-similar, yep?:)

    EDIT: Damn It looks like i can't edit post to make it poll. Anyone got idea how to do it?:P

  2. Hello guys!

    I'm going to build mod in few weeks (waiting for new Echo Team to arrive - it looks SICK). But i got one big problem. What freewheel should I get. I'm considering Tensile (does 96 engaging points version have already been released?), try-all and echo freehub. Which would you suggest me to pick?? Does anybody use new echo freehub? Any pros and cons?? Anyone broke tensile or try-all already?

    Also one more question not related to the topic. Is the Echo Lite fork very flexible? How it works compared to the rest?


  3. Hello lads;]

    I thought that it would be a good idea to share my beautty with you. Take a look. Mostly Echo, Adamant etc parts and chris king:D Waiting for new front tyre to come and have to change a bit lenght of chain.

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    Tell me what you think. I guess this is my first color coordinated bike:D

  4. new brakes are being made already... just wait few weeks to see them.

    I think that there won't be any big improvment in parts. China will be quite rich country so I guess most of companies will have to change their factories:P. Geo won't changed that much. Most of dimen. and angles have been used already. Current setup is doing really well for most so I guess there is no need to change it.

    About Deng -> from what i've talked with him. He is doing the best what he thinks is. So he will be developing his company by his way=there won't be any disc frame from him in next few years.

  5. I'm in the same situation - looking for brands which I could import to Poland. I started from Deng's brands. And I guess this is what you need. Especially that you are from Australia (quite close to China), so shipping costs wouldn't be so f**king big. Maybe try to import Hope or Chris King. I don't know what you've got there so it's hard to advise anything. Just write to companies and try to interest them with your offer. Some of them will deffo get interested. Maybe Modulo Bikes?? But they are sooo expensive and impose their way of making business. Look around. Watch on people's bikes and see what brands are most common. Then just throw emails to companies and try to cooperate.

  6. I don't see any problem... I just screw bolt in with tensioner on a bolt already and then just put wheel to the frame. This is the problem with which you are struggling?

    You can always set wheel in dropouts... just takes a bit more time... Filing isn't solution imo.

  7. I'm pretty sure that it isn't the new one. As the new ones aren't ready to be shipped. So they are still in China:) Plus I'm sure that the new one are 48 ep. Deng redesigned hubs and rims. New rims going to be much stronger and a bit heavier.

    The hub from movie doesn't convince me though. Maybe sound isn't bad but it stops so quickly... just it's not right for the hub.

  8. My guess is it's gonna break near bb but oh well... who knows, you are the one to check it waynio!:D

    IT got really nice geo imo. Almost the one I'd want. Bike looks horrible though.

    Maybe come to Poland so I could have a go on it??:D Plus you would see some nice shit goin on from polish wicked riders:D

    I'm goin back to drink some more alcohol, i'm deffo to drunk for writtin on forum:)

    love you :*

  9. Talked to Deng and he told me that he is currently redesinging it. Exact deadline isn't given. He got very good conception the only thing is to not f**k up producing it IMO.

    I got king for few months now and it has never skipped me. Cleaned it and took some of lube. Now it makes great noise and makes me feel more confident, though my friends king likes to skip. I'm saving up some money for buying ck tool and replace spring with new, stronger one. That will solve all possible problems in future. I'm quite affraid of sound it's going to make as it's going to make me have headache though.

    BTW I had Shimano XT UG on rear. it lasted me 1 year (my friend got one for 5-6 years now) also with changed spring and it NEVER skipped me, same with my friend.

    Maybe sometimes better than complaining would be doing some small adjustment or modifications? Think about it.

    I would go with king on your place. Got the best solution of freewheel system for biketrials. Pawls are shit and you now that! What happened to people who were claiming that CK is the best? TF was full of them. Now I hardly see any:P

    I hate when people say that something won't break for sure and it doesn't need 1-2 years of proper testing. What a bollocks! Echo freewheel hub conception was quite similar to one what hope has and in end it turned out to be total shit. CK are tested and only few were destroyed. Let's clarify that... PAWLS are not any good for trials:P Even silent clutch is better;)

  10. I used to jump to my 'worse' side (i'm right foot), so to the left. Than suddenly changed to right and it feels really nice. But I don't do too big sidehops because I'm not too kind to buy mech hanger every few bad sidehops. I'm currently thinking how to break bloke in my mind to go back to left-side jumping. Any ideas?

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