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Jonny Jones

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Posts posted by Jonny Jones

  1. Im actually really looking forward to seeing what people produce! Its great having limitations such as curbs to base riding on! Editing and filming has gotta be looked into as well!

    Good luck everybody who enters!


  2. Does somebody want to buy me a new bike? Cos im sitting here looking at all these threads of lots of shiny new steeds, and im stuck with a pile of shit to ride... that cant actually be ridden for trials... :)

    Spangly new steed there Dan!


  3. Complete F*cking W*nker, shouldn't be on the forum

    My words exactly!

    Nice bike dude! Im thinking of getting a T-Pro, as it's all I can afford. But they are damn good bikes for the money and Slinger was riding shit-hot on his at the Bike Show, you just couldn't keep him off the course!

    Get a video made of your riding dude, would be mint!


  4. Yawn.

    2.0l Ford Capri Ghia, well  modified, full custom made one off interior ect.

    £536 a year.

    Stick that in your pipe and smoke it (Y)

    Hell yea Lee! Seriously people, I had a quick drive in Lee's Capri and it certainly blew me away!

    Where shall I start... 4,2,1 performance manifold was it Lee? Full exhaust package, K+N Carb filter - not sure if it had twin webbers or not, it just goes too bloody fast! Will kick mosts cars asses! (Y) I want it.com!


  5. I've used a 0.43x fisheye for years (which originally cost £49.99), and much to the hate of users on here! :) I purchased a wide/tele lens kit just before the end of last year, and that consisted of a 0.5 Wide and 0.2x Tele lens - this was £59.99. The 0.5 is great, you can get lots in your frame and not have any distortion at all! 0.2 tele was used in TM1 some, that was the one with extreme vig-netting on it (the black ring). Dont use it that often though.

    BUT, if you want ultra wide, go for summot slightly less than 0.5 cos the less you go, the more you gain so to speak - cos u get more depth of field and therefore more in your frame/viewfinder.

    IF you've got the big bucks, this is to anybody btw, Century Optics make a version of their Death Lens (which is used for nearly all sk8 videos) for single chip cameras, i.e. all the cameras linked to so far on this page - they usually have 30 to 37mm threads on the camera - hehe, and this retails at £675 - at least thats how much it was when I contacted them last year! Nice to know theres that option! :)

    But yea, 0.43 for REALLY wide angle or just 0.5 for all round useability! :)


  6. Jonny Jones plus some weird shit.

    Guest starring that wall from TM1!

    Would have been quite good if it had some ok riding in.  I know you've said that you aren't great, but that doesn't mean that you're incapable of finding some interesting things to ride on.  But that editing to some nice riding would be ok I guess.

    Well, like most students, I dont have a lot of money to drive to exotic locations. The video and 'that wall' is in Farnham, which is where I live, plus it was only an experimental video type thing. Personally I was really chuffed with the line down the q-pipe to manual to that box - usually I would sidehop onto the fun box thing, but somebody had put that box there randomly, so I thought it linked nicely... clearly I was wrong! I know it's only an opinion dude, but does EVERY video have to have mind blowing riding in?

    Im sure you're like me, you want to go riding, everybody else is at work etc, and the only place you can really get to is local stuff. I do this quite often.. let off some steam.. get some exercise... Trials to me really isnt all about going higher than the guy over there, its just about chilling for an hour or so... at least thats what Trials during the week is to me!

    Thank you for all the other comments, glad most people liked it!

    Over and out!


    P.S. - Open your minds :P :D

  7. The DVD it was based on made me make this video cos I simply love the DVD itself... if that makes sense? Its an 'experimental documentary' - you have to watch it to see what I mean - it's like a film, but it IS a documentary. We were introduced to it at Uni and we only watched the beginning... and never watched the rest, so I managed to get it from the States, £9 I think it was!

    The wet farts... well, weren't. Those sounds were used as a visual/sound transition between the normal progress of the documentary to this hand-held video recorder used by one of the characters - these recorders had a seperate tape deck that you wore round your shoulder and captured pretty poor quality images, well, they were considered amazing back in 1979, where the story is based. Its just a really odd documentary!

    But dont worry, all 'normal' videos will resume shortly haha :P

    Thanks for the comments!


  8. YBT2 video rules! Like trialsmad (Br3n) said, too much template! Get your hands a copy of Photoshop from somewhere and spend a couple of hours experimenting. You can slice up a design you're happy with, add links, then upload to your sever! Minted!

    But yea, good effort has gone into the content! Sweet!


  9. I thought it was gonna be sick riding but it wasnt :D  The editing was very original though :P  Good work!

    Sorry to disappoint(sp), but we all know im not the most amazing rider in the world! But thanks man :P


  10. Hi people,

    OK, felt like making a short new video last night, so I went out for a short ride locally and put together frankly the scariest video I think ive ever made.. it uses extracts from a DVD I imported from the States about an American film maker suffering from Cancer, its a documentary with a twist... and this new video of mine is most certainly Trials with a twist!

    ALL comments welcomed as usual, im sure some people wont understand it, but there's nothing to really understand, it's experimental and just something a bit different!




  11. There's 1030mm or 1000mm wheelbase, I think maybe the 1000 may be better for you, but if you did choose to go for the 1030, I don't think you would struggle at all.

    I would expect these in the UK in 2-3 weeks.


    OK cool, I probably will go with the 1000mm wheelbase. Cant wait really, just gotta save!


  12. Cool, so we just need to ask Carl the necessary... like where he registered the domain?

    I know what your bandwidth gets like Si, so do you want me to host it... completely up to you! :)


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