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Posts posted by Vivian-Trial

  1. IP Addresses can be changed within minutes.... E-mail accounts can be made within minutes

    Nothing stops Clerictgm. I don't mind the guy he often comes out of with some good valid stuff although he does get carried away when it comes to war/economy/politics and all that jazz.

    Everyone spams n trolls on here so its not as if there is a perfect member on here who doesn't.

    We all have our moments... Just saying.

    • Like 1
  2. Rockmans possibly the only carbon bar i have not seen break yet. ( I have had mine on for 18 months and still going strong other friend has his for over 2 years )

    Try-alls n Trialtechs seem to be the breakers. However i am interested to see what the new HashTagg carbon bars n forks will be like.

  3. Nice bike!

    Just to say I don't really like the idea of grinding a wheel with a tyre on. Don't really fancy destroying the sidewalls on my nice try-all sticky lites at 50 bazz a tyre. Would it not be common sense for those worried of contamination to just wipe the sidewalls of the tyre with a damp microfiber cloth? Works for me...

    That is all

  4. People in the lower classes such as novice and primary aren't good enough to be tyres only, but certainly the rule could be extended to intermediate. I'm a novice class rider, and am guilty of bashing or pedal down now and again, but some stuff I couldn't through without it. Tyres only is a good rule, it certainly works in expert and elite, I think it should be extended to cadet and inters as well

    Its understandable for primary n novice as its good practice. But when its Cadet/Expert then its wrong

  5. Main problem with comps in the UK are to many riders in the wrong categories. So they actually dab more than 50% of the gates. And as they find it so difficult they tend to not go through the gates correctly and end up getting away with basically cheating.


    I would agree on that. It also annoys me the amount of riders who choose to go to bash or pedal constantly. Why can they not go to wheels? Kind of fits in with the whole riders being in wrong categories

  6. i asked who would be supplying them and im yet to get an answer

    i then asked them who would have them and when they then said they are availible to dealers next month

    You could of worked this out for yourself but am gonna leave you a little clue...


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