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Posts posted by Caleb

  1. Nah im a serial abuser of limewire and all seems fine on mine, just today downloading half baked, a simpsons and a family guy episode and chapelle show and they all worked fine.

    Also any songs that i download are fine and thats the only place i get em.

  2. No need for a koxx, you could quite easily get a tpro 4/o5 with headset and bb and a rear wheel for about £100

    Then you could ride with the parts from your old frame until they break and upgrade or just buy from the start.

    Youd probabably get £60 + for the t bird and rear wheel on here knowing how clever :S" some of these new members are :)

  3. I have a bikegas hub/wheelbuild and can run a 165 hope rotor just fine, dont know / tried any bigger rotor sizes however.

    For the profile cassette hub i think there very rare and hard to get hold of however i believe wiggle still stock them.

  4. right ill get straight to the point, im leaving the sport of trials to concentrate on downhill. and im looking to sell my trials bike to fund my nice new shiny dh bike and was wondering how much money i could get for it. spec below\/\/\/

    Frame: echo urban in blue with 4bolt mounts  £80 ish

    Fork: onza lite guy: £ 30

    cranks: middleburn pro-trials  £60

    r wheel: chrisking classic (pewter mmmm) on a koxx rim (black)  £170

    f wheel: hope xc on mavic F519 £35

    mech: shimano tiagra £ 10

    cassette: 6 speed shimano tiagra £10

    r brake: silver HS33 but with front lever £20

    f brake: hope mono mini 180mm rotor £70

    seat: velo trials seat £5

    stem: unbranded £5

    bars: tryall mk2 i think £ 10

    chain: koxx phat f**ker £ 5

    r tyre: maxxix minion 2.35 super tacky £ 10

    f tyre: panaracer fire xc pro £ 5

    headset: wtb cartridge bearing £ 10

    booster: carbonique £10

    pedels: onza vp things £5

    i think thats it if there is anything ive missed tell me

    the frame has the usual scratchs but no dints and no cracks as the bike has never been riden to its full potential. most of the parts are less than a year old aswel. i have no idea how much i have spent on the thing but its got to be over a grand i think. anyway could someone please advise me on how much to sell it for.

    cheers ma dears

    There just rough minnimum prices you could probably get more for the frame, but chris kings dont seem to be selling to well at the moment im afraid >_<

  5. producing frames that are 15% stronger and 15% lighter than industry standard aluminum.

    Arent most trials frame unstandard alluminium though?

    ie hardened and heat treated etc? Also materilas like u6 would it be as strong as them and as light? as theyre also not very standard :D"

  6. It is very cheap etc , and the reason for me not getting has nothing to do with the quality of the product etc just that i don't like buying products from online shops, however might try blagging my mum into it on pay day lecturing her about the dangers of trials riding etc :)" .

    Also i wouldn't know what size to get even if i tried on similar helmets the sizes could be different unless they are adjustable which i think they might be :) .

    Good find though mate :angry:

  7. No its not dannie, its like saying is monty hosing better than magura you tit.

    I would guess there probably the same material and made from the same materials as i guess there'll only be one main factory that manufactures magura hosing.

    If you want some cheap you've probably already seen but edd potts has some the guy with all the other stuff has some in for sale (who every one wants the crossover off him lol) and i think davetrials ben slinger did cheap lengths of it for £4.

    Id say go for it , i had some on the front of my megamo back int day and worked fine you can also imo get a better bleed using trial and improvement as you can see everything.

    I'm waiting for some clear hosing to come out then get some deionized water in there with food dye colour of my choice lol.

    Lots of love Caleb (Y)

  8. Lol those v12s are damn rare i tell you damn rare hehe, yeah but the tyres i have to admit went a bit too far, im changing them anyway because i recently noticed compared to my mod they grip like shit in the rain.

    And ill polish the pedals or do em black lol, recognise the forks tom?

    edit 1 : stem is 70 mm and no rise (Y)

  9. Ah cheers for the replies lads.

    At least i dont have to spend any more money on it lol except for the rear tyre , rubs a bit on the frame and you know what that leads to, im thinking maybe a mitchelin comp 24 2.2 ?

    That should fit in there on a 521 anyone?

  10. Hey all,

    Recently bought a pashley 26 mhz frame and seperate parts off here, however i set it up to what i would feel nice but it came out much different to what i expected and find it a real effort to ride, very hard to pull up and feels in a really slack gear this could be down to a lot of things but theres only a few things i could think of and wonering if you could help me figure some more appropriate fixable methods out.

    I thought Bar height highering so tried a different stem but made it feel worse, higher rise bars maybe, or because iv been riding mod for a long while now?

    The spec is basically pash frame and fork, hope mono hubs front and rear, magura rear xtr front, race face prodigy stem, and azonic double wall 1.5 inch rise bars with headlock. Midlleburn cranks 175 mm, 22t front, 18 rear.



    Please be kind (Y)

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