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Posts posted by andyroo

  1. The last anit-semitic part of anyroo's post is what I'd call incitement to racial hatred, which is an arrestable offence.  The way you've said most of your posts (I'm not anal enough to read through and check) doesn't give me anything to reel off and prove that this is what you're doing.  However you're preaching a lot of extremist views that have already tried and failed.  Bad luck to you sir.


    The last part about skipping a verse that depicts Jesus' suffering under the hands of the Jews is not my opinion, but fact, so kindly think about what your writing before accusing me of racism. Im a christian and i know people who have been kicked out of Jewish countries, just for practicing Christianity! Now that is rascist! If you are serious in backing up what you said you will read this, otherwise you are making wild claims of your own opinion, not of emotionally unnaffected fact.

    Isiah 53: 5-8 (remembering this was written by Jews 800 years before Jesus was born)

    But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our inequeties; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

    We all like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the ineguities of us all.

    He was opressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

    By oppression and judgement he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants.

    Why do you think they skip this part of their own book?

    EDIT: Oh, and If you think I'm rascist please do tell me your opinion of a race of people who the British fought and died for in the second world war, who now kill and deport British citizens every day. I want to know your opinion of this Josephine, rather than you just making comments with no real meaning.

  2. He was a Middle Eastern comedian yes, can't remember his name.  He called it the Pakistani Formula 1 car (DON'T HAVE A GO AT ME, HE NAMED IT!).

    I dont understand why it should be rascist to say what country someone somes from... If a Spanish person asked if I was English, I wouldn't accuse him of being rascist.

    That frog brings out the worst in all of us (Y)

  3. I don't have a problem with immigration to be honest

    Sorry to ramble on but...

    I have a problem with the countless number of young men who come to England, and particularly to Ashford were there is an immigrant hostel, that hang around in my fiances sisters school, calling to young girls to try and take them away and have sex with them. And they do. All day they hang around there, waiting for break time when the girls come out.

    Its absolutely sick.

  4. I think I've done quite well to restrain myself from simply flaming you for that 'Nazis had some good ideas' comment. 

    The Nazi party did have good ideas. The economy of Germany was being toppled by the Jewish culture, which was in charge of Germanys banks, shops and the like, who favoured each other. A German would buy a loaf of bread for a pound at the bakers run by a Jew, but a Jew could buy the same loaf from the same shop for a quarter of the price. The same for banks, being Jewish got you cheaper loans, etc, so to be honest, this was the first racist actionin Germany before the Nazi party was even in power. (However I do not agree with the Nazi party's actions in trying to terminate this racism)

    The Jewish culture has always been a very secular culture, more Chrictians have been killed by Jews since the second world war than Jews were killed by Germans.

    Think about it; Why was there that memorial day for the Jews killed in concentration camps recently? Was there a rememberance day for the Irish Gypsies, africans or christians that were killed in concentration camps? No. Why should we be made to feel guilty about all these Jews dieing anyway? We were on their side trying to save them!

    After the war, the surviving Jews from the camps proclaimed that 5 million Jews were killed at Auscwitz (sp?). In the 1980's, the figure was then sheepishly changed by the Jews to 3.5 million, after questions were asked. Last year that figure was then changed again to 1 million. Why the huge whopper of a lie? And anyway, most of the Jews in the camps were kept their for the war, and released afterwards. Think about this: why would the Germans record the details of every captured Jew, give them an id tattoo, and pay for travel for them to go halfway across Europe, just to be killed? That would just be illogical and pointless.

    My very long winded point being that, on the whole, very few of us on this forum no anything about anything, we are just filled to the brim with media hype. You cant trust what people tell you, especially such a hypocritical culture such as the Jews. Let me tell you one last fact about the Jew. The Jew killed Jesus, denounced him as the messiah and are currently still waiting for him to come. In the Torah, their Holy book, in Isiah, which was written long before Jesus was around, it says that God will send the Messiah, and the Jews will not realise it is him, and will torture and kill him. And they did! It says it in their own Holy book! The Jews read and re-read that book year aftr year at their equivilent of church, but when they come to the verse that says that they will kill Jesus, they skip it. Talk about a pile of knobcheese.

  5. Karen (my fiance) pays £700 for fully comp insurance, and for me to be added to her insurance, was an extra £21. We asked why it was so cheap, and it is because its a on a females insurance, and I'm engaged to that particular female too!


  6. I was planning to get the tensile cranks for my birthday, but ive just seen the new zoo! cranks, and I wondered if anyone had had experience with other, and which are the best to go for. Id get them in 170mm for a Tpro with bashguard, but quite soon after that id want to have them on the bashguardless zoo! python.

    Any help is mucho appreciado :S



  7. It's not very good for manuals, its a bit long

    EDIT: At a guess, I'd say you got a peice of coal in your stocking at christmas didn't you?

  8. Whats with the breast cancer research thing? On the fund runs and stuff, only women can take part, its all colour coded pink and its completely biased towards women.


  9. I agree with alexx :D take a look at the name expensive items on ebay that guys like to buy (like hifi stuff) and you'll see stuff like "i have to sell it cos ive moved in with my girlfriend" or "we have a baby now".  :-  boooo, eevil!!  (N)

    You should see my hif-fi before and after we got engaged... its considerably, er, bigger... by about a £1000 worth. And my bike has gone up in worth by about £500 since too.

    But its not about that. The kind of marriage you all have in your minds, is definately not what I want to do, but I'll say again, a marriage is no different than what you make it. We have both expressed how we want to be living together, and also how we do not want to fall into each others pockets, so we encourage each others hobbies, friends, etc. If anything, this will be a gateway to a more exciting life, with more opportunities. Anyone who says marriage is the end of all things fun has obviously neither been married, nor actually got the balls to stand up to their gf.

    And to answer that personal question, i am a virgin :"> and the wedding night is the first. And anyone who says that they would get bored of shagging the same person should find someone who they find more attractive!

  10. Lucy has been ignoring me since I gave her the spade - not one phone call - NOT ONE! I guess its time to move on.

    About the marriage thing, 18 is pretty young to get married.. I dont see what the rush is, personally I quite like the freedom of being single (at the moment). Saying that, ive never felt the urge to marry anyone, and the thought of it would scare me - obviously thats not the same for you though, so its not my place to really say anything except good luck :blink:

    I got the urge, baby, yeah! I guess you can come if you really feel the need to- not sure if Karen'll be to impressed. Oh well, shes a top bird, I'm sure she'll cope! Ive convinced her to let me and the best man bring our bikes to the wedding for photos on our bikes in our suits, he he...

    To be perfectly honest, since I've been with Karen, Ive had more free time than I usually would, because certain things like accounts and bills, she will deal with, and we can also combine our money, which means more bike bits! And when we are married, I will see her when I get home so I can go riding more!

    Ive got it all sussed I have

  11. Nobody has any faith in me, people believe that the word marriage is half of the doble barrelled word marriage-divorce, that theres no marriage without it. I'll still be doing all those crazy things then that I will be doing now, so there.

    Anyway, I'll post a review in a few months time on how its going. There is no reason that marriage should be what everyone here thinks it should be, it should be a fun exciting adventure, not the end of life as we know it. It is what you make it. If your a boring person who has to live of everyone elses excitement, then it will be boring. But if you want to make it fun, it will be fun!

  12. No I'm really getting married. And it's good. Pleeeeeeeeease don't give me a lecture about it because it's bloody annoying. No-one on this forum (bar one) has any authority to even THINK about questioning me getting married.

    So razz to you all!!!!!! :blink:

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