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Posts posted by Tomm

  1. Something like that yeah. The problem is it's always going to be a compromise - bigger tyres better for off road, skinnier tyres better for roads / park riding. Depends what you do more of, and when you need the tyre to perform best.

  2. There's a lot of talk about girls riding with their boyfriends. Not with their other friends (girlriends or just mates). If riding is something a few girls do with their boyfriends to humour them / take an interest then it'll never take off. Having said that I reckon there's something in the mentality of riding bikes that appeals to men but not to women. There's quite a few women who ride XC and DH, I think people can see the 'point' of those disciplines. Whereas I know my girlfriend just thinks trials / freeride / DJ are all pointlessly showing off.

    I don't really care. As old'schoolfool says, having a girlfriend that rides isn't necessarily as life-changingly awesome as a lot of people imagine.

    I wonder if there's a similar thread on knitting-and-hobbycraft-forum.co.uk about why no men are into sewing.

  3. Depends what level of grip you want. Something like a Maxxis Larsen TT or Crossmark are pretty fast rolling on smooth ground but they've got decent side knobs for corner traction.

  4. No it's not good. Innocently buying a stolen bike / turning a blind eye to the fact it might be stolen / riding a knowingly stolen bike. It's all the same - it's still a stolen bike. By riding it you're putting money in the hands of the tossers that steal the bikes we treasure.

    People who ride stolen bikes are wankers, even if they paid for them.

  5. Superstar pads. Google it.

    Choice of Organic / Sintered or Kevlar. Basically organic are softer wearing and slightly better performing, but they don't last as long in wet conditions. You can't really go too far wrong with either choice (although for a trials bike I'd always go organic).

  6. Trash of the Titans is my favourite - I think it was the 200th episode, right at the peak for me. Steve Martin voices, plus there's a sweet song which is always good. Also, right at the end, Mr Burns says 'Wankers' which is bizarre. http://vbox7.com/play:384a9583

    Marge vs the Monorail. There's just so much brilliance in this one, it's just funny all the way through. http://smotri.com/video/view/?id=v431901a786

    The Simpsons' 138th Episode Spectacular. A weird concept but it works really well, and the different format lets them put in some slightly unusual-for-the-simpsons jokes. http://smotri.com/video/view/?id=v956107e426

  7. Commencals are really hard to bottom out - the linkage makes it really progressive and yet compliant over small bumps - I.e. it feels super plush and bottomless. The downside is that it can get a bit bogged down in the mid travel and that's not particularly conducive to riding aggressively.

    The Giant is a good linkage design but it's not like the Commencal - it won't feel as plush. 'Car Park' testing of shocks can be really misleading, it's quite easy to design a linkage that will make any frame / shock feel amazing when you're testing it out on flat ground. That doesn't necessarily translate to real-world performance though.

  8. I reckon people get a bit too hung up on spending money on trainers. I mean, running is the most basic sport possible and whilst I get that someone will try and monetise it, you can run in any old pair of trainers, and some old shorts and a T-shirt. But you can buy running jackets, lycra, socks, iPod connections etc - massively unnecessary.

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  9. For the Juicy 3, get a new olive or whatever you need to attack the hose, take the old one out and cut the hose down 1-2cm, put a new olive / attachment on and rebleed.

    For the Juicy 5 - is there actually a problem with how the brake feels? The DOT fluid in the the brakes absorbs water over time and expands, sometimes this means the brakes have an excess of fluid and it might be hard to put new pads in. Mine need bleeding at least once a year for this reason. It might just be an excess of fluid escaping through a valve? Dunno. I'd try a bleed and if the brake feels nice, forget about it.

  10. A quick question about netflix, do they update with new realesed movies becuase for 5.99per month it sounds good but i dont want to pay that to watch movies that are old?


    You can browse what they've got and make your mind up. Or they're doing a free trial for a month anyway. Seems good though - there's plenty on there I'd like to watch and it works really well via my Apple TV. I've only used it once so far but I'm impressed.

  11. If it's just a trail centre they hardly ever seem to put in big drops / jumps - at least none that are optional and will hurt if you do them wrong/too slowly.

    They're all bollocks though - It's been about 2 years since I rode a trail centre so things might have changed...

  12. Yeah they're not really graded for people who've ridden trials / BMX and can, y'know, ride a bike well. They all seem easy to me too, but my girlfriend finds the reds OK and the blacks too scary so I guess there is some logic behind it.

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