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Posts posted by Rob_P

  1. Cool pics mate! Very smart riding! That rail gap in Bristol is ummm....LARGE!!

    Shame about the crap quality of the pics, those could of looked really good if they were taken with a good camera!

    Nice one

    Rob :ermm: :-

  2. Help with what. Don't be to specific.


    If you had two brain cells and looked at the link then you would see what I was on about! In the link it explains exactly the problem is with his pc!

    Rob :ermm:

  3. Was a top ride in Bristol on saturday wasn't it chaps! Love it when theres just a massive group of riders out! Was proper Bo!

    Dont want to sound like im licking yor ass to much here but im so glad that you've started to ride again more prawney baby! Your a great rider and should use your skills well!

    Bikes looking beasty, I wasn't sure at first but it's grown on me!

    That V-brake is imence, you even had t take the grind off and it's still uber!

    Rob (Peggs to you prawny)

    (N) :P

  4. What bars do you have??

    I have koxx bars and use ODI lock on grips! The problem is that because koxx bars are quite thin the lock ons dont have enough thread to lock on properly! I actually rounded off the bolts trying to do the buggers up and they still move ever so slightly!

    Lock ons are rubbish and a waste of money! Me and a mate have also found that the rubber is softer on the lock ons grips rather than the standard harcore grips!

    Normal harcores are £10 from chain reaction but the lock ons are like £15!

    They are a waste of money and wont last long! I wouldnt bother mate, just get standard grips!

    Rob :- :closedeyes:

  5. oooopppssss! Read my comment in the middleburns or tensiles thread!

    Then I looked in here and you say sorry about the tyre! opppsss! :P

    Apart from that your bike looks mintage. Love that front rim and the king!


    Rob :S :D

  6. Get heatsink pads mate! They are awsome! I've been using them for ages and are simply the best, cheap, wear rate is good and power is excellent! I run a grind with the new batch B's at the moment which seem to be great! Contact Steve and get yourself a set!

    Rob :P :P

  7. I spin the cranks with my right foot which is my choclote foot! I find it really had so the foot you normally have forward, use that one the fip the cranks! When you get on the backwheel get the cranks high so there easy to spin! If you have them to low it will be hard to get them to spin!

    I love that move! Now i've mstered the crank flip on the backwheel!

    Rob :- :P

  8. I think 7 years is quite good but I think that he should of got more as its just another form of murder really if you get what I mean! He gets whatever comes to him! Hope he has a nice time in prison! I never knew DJ but seems like a proper legend!

    Rob :- (Y)

  9. I do:

    Media :lol:

    Photography :P

    IT :D

    Graphics :D

    I love media and photography just IT is soooooo sh*t! Just a load of balls! I dont know why I ever chose it! Loads of people seem to be doing IT...good luck :P

    All have coursework to be due in 5 weeks time! For all four subjects! God im doomed!

    Rob :P

  10. Just took these pics! My room is such a mess B)" ....may tidy it one day.... (Y) .....then again maybe not (Y)



    I see alot of people have the free FHM poster and callender! It's mint for free!!

    Rob :ermm: B)

  11. Hey knickers your mini is looking mintage!!! Looks perfect, I love the mini beast! When you come to barny or we come down I love goin for a drive! Just like a go-kart!! Goes like sh*t as well! Nice one! I see greenachers metro 4.1 GTS in the second pic as well :ermm:

    Cheers Rob :P :P :P

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