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Posts posted by Steve-A

  1. That was a really good video guys (Y)

    I really liked you last one and this one is juist as good if not better. Good mix of bmx and trials, and a cool setup on that monty.

    When I was riding a monty for a while I tried running a similar bar and stem set-up to make it more suitable for street riding, but I couldn't get on with how short the bike became, it was really nice for street, but I just couldn't ride trials on it :P .

    Will be looking forward to future videos (Y)

  2. Crikey there were some big moves in there. Quite impressive watch.

    Shame they didn't choose some different music to go with thier riding better.

    Still cool vid.

    p.s. which were the other mod videos then Matt? just random noseyness.

  3. You were going fairly high on those trails :ermm: :)

    As I filmed it and put it together, I can say it did sound like Tim got a bit scared as he looked like he was gona come up short on last one, by the pitch and urgency of his scream, that is. :(" :D

    Both trails, ( was filmed in two different places) are just outside of Kidderminster, which is between Worcester and Brimingham.

  4. I agree that a BB rise is needed. Maybe talk to Clive I know he was building opne with +15 for Kris to try.

    I got mine with:

    +20mm BB

    380mm Stays

    1020mm wheelbase with pashley forks

    73 degree headangle

    I'm running a 90mm stem and I love the way it rides, everyone else seems ot think its rasther short, but i'm not that tall and liek the way it flicks about due to length.

  5. Dont dis the forks, they are amazing.

    I've never seen a set of forks flex less than Fall Guys, when there is a 14st trials rider front hopping on them. Not me I'm only 9st :S

    If you want silver and drilled Koxx/Jiz are looking like your only options unfortunately.

    On the other hand buy any rim, drill big holes and paint is silver :o :S

  6. Unlucky Seb,

    If your riding as smooth as you usually do it could last a life time :S

    Seriously no one can really predict how long it will last before it snaps, but you can be sure of saying it is going to break. You dont really want to be riding it when it snaps as you could get hurt.

    Explain this to your parents and try to get a new frame now :o"

    But I suspect you could have a few months out of it yet :S .

  7. Looks niice.

    I almost bought that 4 seasons build, when I was looking for a BMX a couple of months ago.

    But I went for a Fly Barcelona in the end, mainly due to money restraints. I have to say I'm very pleased with it. All the parts seem to do what they are meant to and its lovely and light.

  8. Well it's heavy as fook I expect, and we can't be god and control the rain, if it get's even marginally damp its like slick.

    Depends how you like it, personally i'd prefer to have a grind and a good brake in all conditions than worry about getting tiny amounts of water on my brake and dying.

    Plus he probably didn't mention the weight, and that id the chrome does start to chip off it will all come off gradually, and they are massively more expensive.

    Weather wise the brake works fine unless its properly raining, damp or drizzsle seems to make it work better than usual.

    What Mike said about braking for my rim is true, though my rim is an Odyssey profactor rim, not one of these. Mine is about 650g i believe so not over the top heavy and it seems very strong.

    £80 for a pair of these rims doiesn't seem that bad an investment.

  9. I had a really long search/hunt for these rims when I was investing in some new 24" rims after Atomlab drilled mine wrong (N)"

    I only managed to find a small handfull of sites with any information whatsoever on them and they wern't very usefull.

    I suspect they were only made for a short time a few years back, so like the xx 20" bmx rims are rare as the propverbial rocking horse poop.

    If you can find any they do seem like they would be an amazing rim.

    Good luck, you may well need it :sleeping:

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