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Posts posted by Biff

  1. If it's naked you're after get in touch.  I'll star.  Get some naked women stood around too.

    In fact no for the story have them stood around with clothes on then they get naked.  A few drop offs and gaps then I get naked then it turns into a porno.  Cheesy music and all  :)

    That would be a keeper.

    Timz you sick f**k !

  2. I dont think anybody has done this before but i just want a few ideas of what you want to see in my 4th video to make it a keeper. And what you like to see in vids

    The video should be done at the end of the summer hols so expect something decent!

    Biff :)

  3. i wish all videos were that enjoyable to watch, :) a street video would be really good with that sort of editing and comical values added! :lol:

    Biff :-

  4. Good video, great riding. my other concern is WHY THE HELL NOBODY TELL ME THERE WAS A RIDE! ! ! ! especially Neil ;) :)

    Anyways better make it up to me :D :)


  5. Konigs?

    To use the patent-pending Mark Visual Aid Relation Graph Chart:

    |Gentle breeze|-----|Silent Clutch freehub|-------------|ACS Fat freewheel clicking|------|Profile clicking|---------------------------|X-Hydras with tar|---------------------|Angry geese|---------------|Chav slags on the piss|------------------------------------------------|Jet engine taking off over-head|----------|Konigs|

    Thats a little hard to understand but i get your point :)

  6. In the short space of time between me getting my replacement T-Pro and me having to send it back, I managed to use the Heatsinks for about 3 hours of riding.

    Shit me, they're a bit good.  I've got Plaz on the front and Konigs on the back, and there's a quite large difference between the feel of the two pads.  The CRM's kinda hold, but don't have a LOT of initial grab, but the Konigs just grip and hold.  It feels like you've got an inch of tar on there, but without any tar on (and they don't stick to the rim :)).  Really nice.

    Again, can't comment on wear.

    However, the moulding means a better quality pad and fit.  The Koxx Bloxx I got had rough edges around the 'face' of the pad from where they'd been cut.  The Konigs are a lot higher quality...

    Whats the sound like on them, i have this thing where i can only trust a pad by the sound of it, i like a pad with a loud SQUEEEEEEEEEK!

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