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Posts posted by chrisatactiv05

  1. Random question i know, but im after a load of grub screws for my work, there m5 size, and need to be at least 4mm long. I thought a reach adjusment screw of a v-brake would be simular, but its a bit to small. Its for a remote lock out system for some trek bikes at work, but the distributers of rock shox (fisher) and trek don't have any, so i though it was worth a go on here. These need to be all new, because they are going on new bikes. THANKS ALOT chris

    any company names and address's would be really useful, thanks peeps

  2. i really like the control on the back wheel, and its a bril frame for trials. I did find it hard to jump up stuff though, pedal hopping up (wheelie hop) i found really hard, not sure quite why .. but the only thing with the frame i would say, no seat is a pain in the arse (litrally) but in the ride point of view brill. I did have a go on a pure, and they are very nice. with a simular feel the bike was great on the back wheel, and for jumping up stuff. AND it has a seat. The choice is yours my friend and i hope those few words ment something, chris

  3. i found my mates control rode really well with zoo bars. i had a contol on echo bars, and found it a completly differnt feel.I cut about half an inch of my echo bars in the end, and found that made a difference (sam-ramesgate, dont worry, the bars you have are the origanal length 720mm! (Y) )

  4. are shop does 0% finance through blackhorse. We don't really stock trials bikes though, would have to be a custom build or sumint. Have a ali bongo, echo bounce in stock, echo forks, middleburns etc .. if interested pm me mate (Y)

  5. Clive seems to say he won't do a lot of stuff (Y)  Formerly it was no proper seats, now not putting disc tabs on his forks?

    Now i think after making a few frames, Clives not that bothered. I must say i think he is so good at listening what i wanted, and knows his stuff! when i said i wanted a frame for more street, but i wanted something to ride a bigish distance, he knew what i was on about straight away. He is really flexiable now with his frames and bits, but his forks. I was going to ask about getting disc mounts fitted, but after listening what he had to say, i'd thought a mag or v would be much better. You put so much strain on the mounts of the back of a fork (ask peeps with urbans gone wrong), i dont think its really worth it!! The more i love my mono trial ive got, id rather had forks that wont brake ... hope this made sense

  6. im paying for my bike at the end of this month, he said it should be done for the end of next month, which will be cool!! Ive gone for the 1030 (xl) because i really like the feel of my pashley i had, and that was around that. Just i fancyed something a little bit shorter at the back end, and leesons are just the dogs bollocks. My mate has a 1010 (standard) but i find it really short, due to my wide range of bikes ive had: echo bounce/control, bt raven, handsomedog rockhound, the list goes on. HOWIES BLUE is pimp, i love that blue! I think clive would do this for anybody, i just fancyed it due to i have to ride from my house sometimes to town, which is like 13 odd miles away - MISSION!!! but i shall keep you all posted!!! will be cool.

  7. I have had a chat with Clive, and im going to get a XL (1030) wheelbase clear660 with a seat post (27.2) with the carbon seat, should be really nice. Having it done howies blue along with the leeson forks, cant wait, ill post pics asap

  8. I have spoke to clive, and he is sorting me out a clear660. in the xl - 1030 wheelbase. But with a 27.2 seatpost, the same as the 609, which is going to look pimp with the leeson carbon seat. Also im going to get it done in howies blue/road sign blue, like the old pashley colour. I can't wait now, also getting the forks!! ill post pics asap

  9. im going to phone clive tomoz and ask if he can do an xl leeson, with the same seatube size as the 609, with the carbon seat and post, and in a silver colour. I want something around the same thing as a pashley 26mz, but a bit different, i think this is the way to go, cheers lads for your help, and let us know what the hens teeth are like!!!! , chris

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