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Posts posted by Bendee

  1. well what a f**king good year at the ymsas best yet without a doubt the butlers attemts this year have been beyond all expectations.

    i still seriously cant belive the turn outs anyone whos been will agree how good they are and how challenging the sections are.

    im proper chuffed i won expert sumin ive wanted for a while, but it doesnt feel like a proper win because it was only me and adam who rode all year.

    its real gay i have to ride elite next year as im not the best expert rider and i will really struggle with the elite lines :(

    id like to say thanks to mr adam bessel weve had a proper laugh all this year and rode together throughout was such a piss take laughing at each other and joking about. for me it made it worth while riding, nice one chap really looking forward to next year with us both in elite im just not looking forward to the big stuff witch i know youll pull my pants down over gaaaaay

    and again a big big well done to dave and the butlers for me making this year easily the best ymsa yet and im sure ill be helping you set sections out next year as i feel it will defo help.


  2. Show some goddam respect. How do you even know it was there fault, maybe he knew the road very well and was safe enough to go that speed, and other car drove him off the road. How you you like it if someone told you that you should have been wearing your helemt when you fell off your bike and died.

    Grow up and show some respect.

    are you f**king reetarded? its obviously never safe to drive at 100mph on the british roads hence the top speed possible here is 70mph on motorways regardless of the fact you know the road.

    'yeah sorry i was doing a ton officer its just i know the road'

    'oh ok sorry i didnt realise you knew the road young man, carry on as you were'

    the fact the guy was doing +100mph shows it was his fault and his fault only.

    iam sorry to here you lost a couple mates dont get me wrong i lost a mate a few months ago from driving below the limit, it was a proper shock to here it especially as i knew the guy and he was my age.

  3. one day i will have a bike powerd car like that caterham its the only way im gettin to 60 in under 4seconds as ill never afford a super car lol.

    is the insurance generally not as expensive as a normal car then?

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