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Posts posted by Bendee

  1. Adam, davidz and bendeelee wore marks in the carpet in the hall way haha.

    haha well when you had the fit blonde walking up and down the stairs now and again along with a few others with short skirts i just couldnt make myself move away.

    plus my bag was under the stairs and i saw a few people eyeing up my sousage rolls so i didnt want to leave them un gaurded.

  2. Lmao that van doing 90 would be a sight!

    No ones mentied the drive from Llandudno to Bangor yet, witht the "Wacky Races" style overtaking with comedy vehicles! Very funny!

    haha that was pretty funny me and tarty was at the back and we could just see rossi attempting to over take on every bit of road that was empty but the little car just couldnt do it.

  3. this is the first time ive ever said this but i actually liked the way that onza rode.

    it was how i expected to tell you the truth the same as the vinco beautiful on the back wheel and getting it there was silly easy.

    when i tried the sidehops i was a bit scared as i thought id probly die but once on the backwheel the wall didnt seem as big so my confidence went up. when i went to kick for the up i really didnt put any effort in as non was needed all it really seemed you had to do is jump and pull the bike up with you. the highest i could go on the wall tarty put a pic up of was my biggest sidehop, i did it and it felt so easy i just put no effort in bring on bigger walls i say.

    as for everything else it was a bit weird but a little time spent riding it will make you adjust to the style needed for this frame.

    this is a big mod bike.

  4. also how do u manage to get a brake thats proven, the only reason anybody ever seemed to try the avid was because tarty had used one. sorry about this adam, but its true. i respect almost everything adam has to say, and im sure most do, but the problem is, is that you wont know which disc is best for you until you have tried both extensively(sp?). i haven't tried the avid disc and therefore have to refrain from commenting on the disc.

    yeah i bet the main reason they took was because adam said they was so good but when people started using them they saw for themselfs that the avid is a really good brake for trials.

  5. I'd get the hope, as i can't stand cables.

    You get a better feel with hydraulic brakes.


    thats bollocks my avid cable disk feels better than any hydrolic disk ive ever used.

    with the avid you know your going to get a decent brake and it will be easyer for you to fix if anything goes wrong. how hard is it to replace a cable if it ever snaps? how hard is it to rebleed a brake? alot harder especially if you dont know how.

    avid gets my vote especially as its proven.

  6. personally im not a fan of r mechs, i dont know why i just dont like them.

    ive been using the tension seeker for a while now and i do like it fair enough it probly did mess me about more than a mech but ive allways been able to get better tension from my tension seeker than i have my mechs.

    now its coming to the end of its life im gonna need a new one soon and to me the problems the first one had have been sorted out with the new one apart from the spring witch does last me quite a while, and if it does brake or anything send the spring back to dmr and they wil replace it.

    wouldnt mind trying the rohloff though.

  7. Did anybody watch "The Body Farm" on Ch5 a couple of weeks ago?

    ahh that was sick i could still watch it but it was pretty bad all the dead bodys at different stages of decompostion.

    Its funny how some stuff you image turns out to be far far from the truth :turned:

    so true the liver was far from what i expected it to be and the it was hard i thought it would of been allsoft like the rest of the organs, and kidneys they was actually pretty big.

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