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Posts posted by delusional

  1. By the carling academy do you mean the one in islington? If so its a bit of a longer walk from the station, but the two times ive been there it seemed like a safe enough area.

    Isn't the carling academy in London, Brixton Academy? In which case, Brixton's not the best of areas (in fact it's decidedly rough), but I've wandered around there at all times of night and in all states (often standing out a fair amount as well) and I've never had any trouble. Brixton Academy is a pretty cool venue as well - based in an old theatre (iirc) all gently sloping floors so everyone has a better chance of seeing the stage.

    As long as your careful most places are pretty safe.

  2. I just did my 125 CBT today, we finished in about 6 hours total (from 9 to 3). There was someone else there on a geared 50 who was really crap - had no idea how to use gears at all, to the point that on the ride around he had to be taken back to the centre and changed onto a automatic. Apparantly he ran a red light at one point as well, but still got his certificate.

    I've never heard of anyone failing a CBT; infact, unless you're actually incapable of learning how to ride a bike I don't think you can fail them.

    I imagine if you finished early then they were probably just short on time when you did it. Didn't they explain why you would have to come back to finish?

  3. how long until they let you download games onto them. :D

    And then rename it the iNewton...

    Most music players these days are already getting pretty close to being PDAs. Don't get me wrong, more functionality isn't ever really a bad thing, but I do wander how long it is before they start coming with CF and/or SD slots.

    I think I'd rather just see the current crop of PDAs start being released with decent size hdds - the Zaurus already has a 4gig drive inside, so it's not far off.

    Mind you, by that point you may as well just buy an OQO :D

  4. And it still won't be as good as the iRiver h3*0 (unfortunate choice of name aside), which has been playing video for ages as well as coming in snazzy carbon fibre effect.

    I still don't understand the point of support for photos without making the device a USB host. Then it might be a bit more useful!

    I bet Apple already have this shit planned out and are just drip-feeding it into the marketplace to keep generating interest in their products. I mean, it's not like it's a f**king massive technical jump from iPods with photo technology to video technology? Yet it's been ages since the iPod Photo was released.

    With a bit of effort they could have been supporting video practically from the start, but that wouldn't have been a very good long term business plan really. Need to keep all the trendy kids buying new models every year!

    Because the 'tech specs' seem quite lacking in any real technical data; does anyone know what the hardware specs (chip, memory, etc) of the new iPods are?

  5. I'm all for space exploration, but I do find it pretty ridiculuous that NASA seem to spend so many millions of dollars and end up with a ship that barely makes it out of the atmosphere and falls half to pieces on the way up when Richard Branson and chums (in the X-Prize) where able to get nearly out of the atmosphere with very little research and (comparatively) little money.

    It's a shame really, but it looks like private enteprise might end up being the future of space travel. Although that's not such a bad thing if it pushes space technology forwards at a half decent rate.

  6. Well, there's enough comments on this thread that it kept me amused until the video had finished downloading!

    I think a large quantity of the people in this thread (on both sides) need to take a step back and realise what we're all talking about here. Considering the very high level of a lot of the videos released on the forum it's quite easy to forget that these are mostly not professional videos. Some people seem to be naturally talented at putting together a video, others are not so. I know which camp I would fall into, even if I did have the riding skills to consider trying to make a video!

    Lee's evidently got a lot of skill on his bike and has probably put a lot of effort into making his video; understandably he's going to be pretty proud of it, so it's easy to see how he may take offense at fairly dismissive comments about said video. I'm not saying everybody should praise him, even if they don't like the video, but I think people do need to choose their words a little more carefully sometimes. It's important to bear in mind that what you're commenting on is a free video that some kid made in his bedroom, not a professional DVD you just spent your hard earned wages on.

    On the flip side, people who post videos on here have to realise that they're going to get some negative comments. Rather than getting deeply offended that so-and-so has said your video is crap, perhaps it would be a little more constructive to understand that everyone has something to learn and ask how they think you could improve it next time so maybe at some mythical point in the future you'll only get positive comments (unlikely if you're posting on TF, but you never know).

    I've got a bit of a rant about sketchy riding not always being a bad thing (i.e. Kenichi Kuroyama) building up as well, but I think I'll save that for another time :)

  7. I managed to smash one of the ratchets on my Ribos the other day - which caused me great fun trying to get them off! According to coustellier.co.uk I need to replace them with a SIDI ratchet, but they can't tell me which model (they apparantly differ quite a lot). Unfortunately none of my LBS' actually hold SIDI in stock, so I'm not able to take the ratchet in to compare.

    Does anyone know which model SIDI ratchet I need to replace it with? Even better if you know somewhere that'll have them in stock for me (save me waiting until late next week for my LBS to order them in).

  8. Nice video :) Those rocks looks really fun to ride, I'll have to get down to them at some point.

    Which Carn Brea is that you're riding? I've just this minute realised there's more than one in Cornwall. I only knew about the one near Camborne/Redruth, but I've just discovered there's another one down near Sennen. It's been so long since I've been to the Camborne/Redruth one I don't remember what it looks like enough to tell from the video.

  9. in other news...police arrested a man near outside downing street and some hospital staff (forget which hospital) were warned to look out for a guy with wires protruding out his jumper!

    Who is, according to Sky News "a black male, possibly of Asian origin"... I must have missed that little bit of racial integration when all non-caucasian races actually molded into one.

    After the inital worry I've found all this rather amusing. So far the only person reported as injured was one of the guys carrying a 'bomb', most of the 'bombs' where actually dummies with detonators (so only the detonators exploded) and the most damage done (beyond the inconvenience of the tubes shutting down) was the windows on a number 26 being blown out.

    The only thing any of this is likely to achieve is to make the entire concept of terrorism in this country seem laughable. I thought only managing to kill 50 people in a large orchestrated attack was pretty rubbish, but this is just ridiculous!

  10. Spend a bit less on the amp and speakers and get a CD deck as well. There's little point spending out a load of money on a decent amp and speakers if you're only going to plug an iPod into it!

    Take a look at Richer Sounds for pretty cheap prices, or even better get over to Superfi who are well priced and really knowledgeable (and have some pretty good bundle deals on). If you ask them for advice they should be able to recommend you a good combination for your money and music tastes :)

  11. No thank you. :ermm:

    Psh, who cares about the music. It's going to be 5 days of chilled out hippy festival, on a beautiful beach, in the hot Moroccan sun. Although, I can't say that a bit of uplifting psy-trance won't go down well in that environment :)

  12. I think one of the reasons that anti-semitism is, and nearly always has been, such a big issue is due to the unique characteristic of Judaism. It's the only sociological grouping of people that I can think of that is still intrinsically linking racial and religious characteristics. How many other races can you think of that have a religion that is both unique to them and pretty much unanimously adhered to? Sure, many Jews of recent generations may not be practising, but it seems they largely still consider themselves a member of their religion, or at the least their parents are such, which still leaves them strongly linked to the religion.

    Religion is a pretty strong bind between people, and when the members of that religion are nearly all bound by race as well and can trace the history of their religion/race back thousands of years, any persecution over that time will add up.

    As it is, the Jews have been persecuted quite a bit over the centuries, although I'm sure quite a few of us would find a similar amount of persecution in our ancestry if we were able to trace it. However, not only can we not trace it easily, but much of that persecution was conducted against religious and/or racial groupings we which no longer align ourselves with, so it doesn't really seem related to us anymore.

  13. That looks like it will be amazing.. how much are flights costing you? I'm guessing everything will be pretty cheap once your out there.

    In fact the more I look around the website the more jealous i'm getting :(

    It's really cheap, we're flying into Jerez in southern Spain, which cost me about £70 return from Stansted. Although, if I were booking it now I'd probably fly into Agadir instead, which is about £225 return. I reckon it's probably going to cost about another £50 or so each way in travel costs to get from Jerez to Marrakech, from where we can get the free festival bus to Tifnite itself, so it ends not being much cheaper this way. Although we do get to spend some time in southern Spain and Marrakech, which is always good :)

    We've got a couple of nomad tents booked as well, with several spaces spare should other people decide to come along at the last minute :D

  14. I've been meaning to post about this for a while, but I keep forgetting (as ever).

    So, is anyone from here planning on going out to the Rhythms of Peace festival in Morocco at the end of August?

    I've now got all my flights and tickets booked and am getting rather excited :) 5 days of chilled hippy festival in the sun, it can't be anything but excellent really. Although, considering how badly I burned at NASS I'm going to have to be extra careful in Morocco in August!

  15. Please tell me youre joking, that was one of the worst films ive ever seen, it was appauling! Matrix is much better than it.

    Indeed. Equilibrium had more plot holes than, well something with lots of holes in it. It was a dire film. The Matrix was a million times better, and I don't think an incredible amount of that either.

    One DVD everyone should own: "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within". It's almost what DVD was designed for.

    Although if we're just talking movie and not specifically DVD I'd probably choose something different. I don't know what though, there are just too many good movies. Although "The Butterfly Effect" has to come close to the top.

  16. Disclaimer: I'm not a scientist, I am however a sci-fi fan. This may be influnced somewhat by that :)

    To me, what's more interesting than whether or not time travel is actually possible, is the ramifications if we accept for a minute that it is (in a sci-fi manner rather than a 'technically time travel' contemporary science manner).

    This opens up a whole spectrum of interesting possibilities (often dealt with in a suitably in-graceful manner by cheap sci-fi). Allowing people the freedom to move through time means (at least for the purposes of my fantasies!) they also have the freedom to change things, which opens up the concept of multiple time lines, which is all great fun (and can also explain why we haven't come across time travellers from the future).

    Trying to conceptualise the existence of infinite parallel universes is guaranteed to give you a headache. I always think of these things as a flat plain, with time and parallel-dimensions being the x and y axes. Trying to conceive it in a more 'realistic' manner than that muddles my head.

    Of course, it's taking a bit of a jump looking into time travel and parallel universes when we've explored so little of our current time-line/time-period :)

  17. How come any sort of negative racial remark is called "racist" with the whole world except Jewd, who get there own special word, "anti semitic"?

    This place and this world are full of whingers, its like a a sympathy competition of "look and see who is worst off, and give them attention"

    Why should I feel guilty about the rest of the world because im a white middle class man, and not some flea bitten starving person in the middle of nowhere? Should I bring myself down to the worst level in the world, just so those who dont have what i have can feel better? Or is that just silly? Would everyone just end up dead? People whinge when people help the poor and needy, and the same people whinge when they dont.

    Cant everyone just shut up and talk about things that make them happy and make others happy? The whole "do to your neighbour as you would have done to yourself" applies here. If you dont want someone arguing with you because your a Jew, dont argue with them because they like the Spice Girls.

    Britain is so political and edgy, why do we, who no nothing at all of worldly affairs except what is spoonfed to us by the media have such hot opinions on it? We swear and rant on defending something that tomorrow we wont even think twice about.

    Political convorsations are always going to end up in arguement, they do in the house of commons, so why not here? it only goes to show that politics is crap. So can we just drop any political ideas or topics please?

    If you want to post something political, plesae think twice cos it just turns into a mess, just like the world and its politics.

    So you think we should just ignore all the problems in the world, never talk about the bad things and as such, never learn from the mistakes of the past?

    For anything to change we have to be aware of the problems - we aren't going to become aware of these problems if we only ever talk about 'happy things'. For there to be action there first has to be discussion.

    The reason you're able to live your comfortable middle class existence, free of starvation, chronic disease and war is because people were able to discuss and argue with each other to structure the relatively comfortable society you prosper from. That doesn't mean you should "bring [yourself] down to the worst level in the world", however in my opinion it does give you some responsibility to try and bring those at such low levels up to the same level of comfort we all enjoy.

  18. Going back on topic for a minute, something that was quoted from several people last Thursday and I think is fairly poignant:

    "At 12:00 BST today, London and many around the world observed a two minute silence for the 48 people who died in the terrorist attacks on London on 7 July.

    During those two minutes, approximately 42 children worldwide died due to poverty.

    We are not going to let terrorists cause us to lose perspective."

  19. You could save yourself the time reading J.K rowling now you know the ending and read a far superior book like something by steven king or Wilbur smith.

    While some of Steven King's stuff is quite enjoyable, he's not exactly a superior author to J.K. Rowling. If anything he's a bit crap, relying on a lot of cheap shots and crappy horror. Having said that, I really liked the Bachman books, but I still wouldn't class him as a particularly good (and certainly not superior) author.

    If you want a really good author you want to get into some Philip K Dick (every single thing he ever wrote is excellent), Orwell (although Orwell had a few duds, notably Burmese Days, but we can forgive him that for the utter brilliance of his other work), Heinlein (more miss than hit, but Starship Troopers and Citizen of the Galaxy are utterly fantastic works) or Silverberg (mostly for Dying Inside, which is a master work paralleled only by 1984).

    Sorry, sort of slipped into book geek mode there :)

  20. After rolling my ankle again today, for what must be getting on for the thousandth time, I've decided it's definitely time to pick up some decent ankle support. I've been really pleased with every other piece of 661 protection I've bought, so I was thinking of picking up the 661 Race Brace Ankle (crc link). The only concern I have is how well these will fit with my Ribos, which are obviously quite a lot tighter than your average trainers.

    So, has anyone used these with tight fitting trials shoes? Did they fit underneath comfortably?

    Actually, generally how have people found this sort of support for trials riding? 661 normally seem to be pretty good about allowing freedom of movement, but I guess there's always got to be a comprimise between movement and protection...

  21. There is NO 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine in red bull, so how did you work that out?  Quantify the effects?  Bull stats, I hate them! :P

    You know, it's much easier to just say MDMA :)

    But yeah, stupid claim with obviously no basis in reality. Caffeine and taurine have completely different effects to MDMA (or any of the MD* chemicals found in pills). Infact, in the kind of quantities mentioned MDMA is probably a lot less damaging than Red Bull. I know I'd certainly feel more comfortable dropping a couple of pills than drinking something like 25 Red Bulls.

    A good example of how caffeine can be a lot worse for you than MDMA... I remember a specific night out a few years ago when a friend of mine was catching a plane early the next day, so instead of doing his usual handfuls of pills he had managed to get hold of a gram of pure caffeine. The state of him the next day was ridiculous. He was a million times more messy than everyone else, despite everyone else having done quite large numbers of pills. On top of that, he hadn't got much more effects than feeling really jittery and energetic all night (kind of like really dirty speed). It didn't make him any happier, it didn't make him want to dance and it didn't really make him have a very good night.

    Very bad idea. Caffeine is a pretty serious drug!

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