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Rich Pearson

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Posts posted by Rich Pearson

  1. I think I agree with what everyone says. It's just that;

    1) The county council last time I spoke to them didn't want to believe that trials was a sport and apparently I was wasting their time.

    2) The police didn't even say, can you move along please, they just went strait up and booked these guys.

    3) Yeah, so what we're riding on walls, and occasionally we bash them with a chainring. Unles you constantly hit the same wall at forty miles an hour twenty times over with your bashguard, not much structural damage is going to happen. Just think how long it'd take to get through a three foot thick concrete wall with a sledgehammer... The amount of damage we're doing is frankly piss all. I don't like it when people ride in flower beds and I usually tell them not to, because, lets face it, when do you ever need to?

    4) Usually whenever I see a police man when I'm out riding, they say something like, it's good that you're doing something constructive, or, thats actually pretty cool, or at worst, move along now lads. I don't understand where this extreme action of threatening people with court has come from.

    Thanks for all the comments guys, I didn't relise this had happened to other people as well, so perhaps they'll get away with a slapped wrist and nothing more.


  2. Just wanted to explain about an incident which occoured in Taunton on sunday which has got me raging.

    A group of riders (who I would have been riding with but for injury), were messing around in the Town Centre on some walls along there. A police car came up, not patroling, but actually looking for them. Two police officers took down all the riders details, and now they are all facing court appearences with charges of vandalism and public disorder being brought against them.

    I'm not kidding, this is serious and these guys are getting screwed for participating in a sport which no one seems to be able to see the differnce between this and plain hooliganism. When some of them argued that they had nowhere else to ride, they were told that they shouldn't be doing this at all.

    I don't know exactly what we can do, but anyone with any suggestions as to how this can be peacefully resolved, we'd be happy to hear from you.

    It just isn't fair.


  3. As the title says, I was kind of wondering, who, in everyones different opinions, people regard as say the top five riders ever.

    Mine would be;

    Tibo Marriaux

    Petr Kraus

    Martyn Ashton

    Ryan Leech

    Hans Rey

    In no praticular order; just bored out of my skull 'cos I can't ride...


  4. On a proper flat gap I've made about 6 and a half to front wheel, so probably about the same as on the back wheel. But in exeter I did a drop gap that was about ten feet forwards adn about three feet down, which is easily the biggest I've done. Its in the new leeson trailer; will upload it here if anyone want to see it.


  5. and in no particular order;

    Toni Muendels Milkman clips (Ryan Leech)

    Trialskings Toxicity and Otherside

    Zoo Video's 22 (Yao Zhi) and 23 (Craig Lee Scott)


    DJ's funeral

    glasseye_it's winter



    TM1_INTERLUDE3 ("Tim is prize bitch...")

    The second part of TM1_ELLIOTFIRTH





    A few more than most people, but didn't really want to leave any out.


  6. Rich cheers for the CV :closedeyes:  Count me in, I'll will PM you Giles with my email address.

    Cheeky b*stard... :-

    Have PM'd you Giles with contact details.



  7. Well, I'm a pretty stong guy, have worked as a farm labourer for the last ten years, I won the nass comp three years ago, have been there for the last four years, me and my dad used to build trials onbsatcles and courses where I used to live, have been attending comps for moto and bike trials for the last 8 years, and would love to help. I also live quite close to Shepton Mallet (in Taunton, about an hours drive to get there, and I can drive.).

    If you need help, PM or e-mail me and I will do what I can. NASS is one of the biggest dates in the year and I'd love to be a bigger part of it.


  8. Guess we'd better go find some kryptonite...

    That was insane. Theres only one other person I've seen with that much precision and thats Ryan Leech.

    Looks like the bike show this year is going to be a bit of a one horse race for audience appreciation...

    Get well soon man.


  9. This sounds promising... Downloading now

    Just while I'm waiting for the vid, how come everyones hurting themselves at the moment? Neils broken an ankle, Sam Wheeler basically broke his foot on a pallet, I've got two ankels in plaster, Nick Goddard blew his knee out or something like that. Even TRA had his arm in plaster recently! What the hells going on?!

    Will edit when I've watched the vid...


  10. hey hey people cor NASS talk already well i can tell you now i will b there living it up getting plastered as usual, good to see most of the usual people going.

    i wont be taking a bike due to no londer riding (reminds self to put rest up for sale again) rich u big homo come for the whole weekend i think i wont be sleeping friday night then will sleep in car on saturday night hopefully the clio will be done by then.  you talking about that pub that we stoped off at? was alright think we will have to pay another visit to that :-

    As for the pikeys yep there are some but just dont set up your tents near a path or near concrete where they can put there caravans theft is minimal apart from my bike as rich said (2 years ago) we have never had any problem with stuff being nicked and to be fair i was asking for it to be knicked leaving it out all night (i have however decided she was worth it) sam you still got her sisters number? maybe she wont have a BF this time ready for some more plumby loving  :) 


    Plumby loving... Well thats a great big gash across my mind...

    Yeah should be there for two days this time, I want to have another go at the MAD comp. Last time I entered the beginners and won. So it was about four years ago now, but it'll be fun anyway.

    Oh and this time Iain, don't try riding a trials bike with no seat and low ratio gearing for five miles with camping equiptment and a 24pack on your back. I think a lung collapsed last time from laughing when you told me that was how you'd got there...

    See you there buddy


  11. i dont think you could predict where a frame will break as people have different techniques and apply different amounts of pressure on different parts of the frame and at different/the same time(s).

    but yeah, i reccon the python is almost perfect  :P


    I was kind of trying to explain that; with the currently existing technology used by the defence agencies of most major government's, they can simulate EVERY possibly way any given object can take any given force. In theory it would work, and would actually be quite easy once the basics were applied to the programming.

    Pity its considered more important to use such amazing technology to come up with new ways to kill people, but here we are...


  12. Half the engagements :P (well, basically)

    My mate once had a Hope XC and an ACS Claws up front. Oh my word, was awful!

    In what way are we talking awful? and where does half the engagements come from? (bear in mind I'm not considering this, just interested in the theory...)


  13. What actually happens at Nass?

    You camp over n see loads of cool shows n stuff?

    Taking your bikes?

    Can you ride places or just show em off or what lol.

    Not really heard much of Nass before you see  :">

    NASS is just damn good fun. You can enter the trials comp set up by MAD (have a look on the trialmedia site in the videos section for an idea of what its like), watch some savage sports like the motorcross, BMX racing, BSX racing, the BMX and skate jams, get pretty damn drunk, mess around in the skateparks and the trials course, plus theres usally some good live bands. Its what it says on the tin; an extreme sports festival.


  14. I'm sure someone has thought of this before, but can anyone think of a reason not to run a front freewheel AND a rear freewheel, simultaniously? I understand there may be some difficulties with different numbers of engagement points, but I just got bored and started wondering. Because you could have each freewheel taking half the original stress that was taken by just one freewheel.

    Dumb? Clever? Abstract?

    Just an idea for the brainiacs to ponder...


  15. Theoretically you can use CAD to test a frame for strengths and weaknesses (software developed by Skunkworks for their B52 bombers and the Bluebirds used test data to see how the jets systems would function at speeds well in excess of 2000mph, and at altitudes of over 75,000ft), but again this is only theoretical, you'd need proper ballistic data (use of wind tunels, physical simulators, etc) to really test a product before you could predict where and when a frame/component would brake, and then reinforce it. Not entirely sure many trials specific companies have access to those kind of facilities, but using them you could basically make the ultimate frame by knowing exactly where and when it would braek and where it wouldn't and scultpting the frame around those physics. You'd need a budget to rival a Michael Jackson lawsuit, but it could be done...

    Pretty cool designs though, wish I had the software to try some of that.


  16. I've got an all black 2005 model. Nicer lever design (I think so) and works really well. And is entirely black (apart from the tpa [internally mounted so it can't get broken off as easily] and the white writing, but nothing a marker pen can't deal with...)


  17. Yeah man I know lewis and greg, savage guys. Unfortuantely negotiations with the council have been set back a bit by my untimely injuries, but as soon as I'm up again I'm gonna try talking to them again. I'm 18 now so I can use the good old "I pay my taxes as well y'know..."


  18. As Tic said, not everyone is alright, but if you don't do anything stupid, like Iain Plum leaving his Orange Zero outside his tent, and then wondering where it had gone when he came back, then you should be alright...

    I'm sleeping in my car, hate camping...


  19. Think about it, even though there are bigger teeth on the bulb, they aren't much bigger than a king. The king has more engaement points, so each one is taking a lot less load. Also, it's a bit of a myth that the bigger the teeth, the stronger they'll be. King uses a ringdrive system which has absolutely tiny teeth, which are damn hard to rip out. The bulb has bigger teeth, which will stick out further, and there for there will be more leverage on each tooth, making them easier to break. This is just how I logically look at it. Also, as before metioned, the king has less space for the opposite teeth to bash into each other as the hub engages, so you can't build up as much momentum.

    Might be wrong...


  20. Nice One Jonny!!! Realy amazin site...hehe sammy's face on it! hehe

    Ohhh i want to be Male!!!  :P


    There are some things I could have got through my day without knowing. Your preference of gender was one of them... :P

    Yeah, sams section rocked, but has anyone elsenoticed the way that Sam has the smallest pupils (black bits of the eye) ever? Plus his eyes seem to constantly be trying to escape from his head.

    Can't wait for the next one Jonny


  21. The weird mutant obstacles you guys seemed to create with railway sleepers and chainsaws was always a favourite, plus the big concrete pipes.

    Looking forward to it.

    Just a thought, would we maybe be seeing something new in the form of the next Ashton frame being showed off this year?


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