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Shaun H

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Posts posted by Shaun H

  1. no but you just did......

    Left leg,right leg,the rest will follow they call it walking.....

    take a walk SHIT BRICK!

    Erm...no I didn't and what would be "the rest" that follow?

    ;)  (Y)

    if you read the thread then you will realise that it wasnt me who rathergoodpie quoted i simply commented


    get your facts right in future


    Sorry if I offended but the comment was not directed at you, it was to Mr. Koxx, neither was I trying to offend *anyone* but it still somehow ended up that way, urgh some people (Y) (again not you trialnoir)

  2. I've not been riding long and not really been taking many pics but here's mine :">

    Outside my house, unfortunately that wall is now rocking back and forth freely so I can't touch it anymore (Y)


    Drop gap


    I just like the colour and stuff ;)" Had to hold it for ages too cos the camera was being a bitch


    And because I've *just* learnt to sidehop, I'm liking this one atm

  3. I heard today, i ain't too religious but i agree that religion aside, he did do a lot of good for a lot of people.

    The thing that shocked me most was that they showed him dead on the news, i wasn't shocked becasue he was dead, more the fact that he wasn't in a coffin or anything, he was just laid out on a slab looking rather dapper in his massive robe.

    Yeh, anyway.... :lol:"


    It's because they're leaving him "in state" so millions of catholics can come and pay their respects. Didn't they do a similar thing with the queen mother?

  4. That's not the tape, at least not the one off the original Japanese version (I watched The Ring and The Ring 2 the other night...with subtitles of course). The original one really has all sorts of meaning and stuff behind it, you have to watch it really (Y)"

  5. It depends on the oil's viscousity. I'm not sure how it compares to water but I'm guessing it would be a bit less viscous so it could reduce the leaking yes. I'd wait for someone a little more informed on RB levers reply first though :-

  6. Haha, very good :-

    Edit :-

    "And if you don't know anyone who can give you one, don't worry – that just means you aren't cool" - haha, that's the best bit :angry:

  7. Are you *CERTAIN* it's Shawn Denny. Could just be someone who looks alot like him. If it is then I think it's going to help our sport alot more than if he was on the Norco. Much more pure trials look rather than it just lookin like he's throwing a dirt jump bike around :angry:"

  8. Off the Echo website (Y)

    "HIFI" is a new model for 2005. Since the BB is 55mm higher than wheel axles. 55mm BB high give chain stays a 8.5 degreed angle with the ground, same as 20" bikes, we call it "Chain stay angle". With 8.5 degreed chain stays angle, you can control the rear wheel easier, and pull the front wheel up easier. Higher body position and large BB clearance. This frame has 26" big wheels and 20" feeling, a new concept to trials sport.

    The new CNC head tube looks different and no weak point.

    A forward seat tube give less torque to the brake mount.

    The brake mount is one piece CNC from a solid aluminum block. All new design.

    New design CNC dropout give a smooth looking.

    Geometry (400mm fork blade with 45mm forward, 10mm bottom head set):

    Wheel base: 1085mm only

    Head tube: 120mm / 71 degreed

    Bottom bracket: 68mm / 55mm higher

    Chain stays length: 375mm

    And in regards to the earlier posts about stems :)

    We have a "HIFI" stem (130mm/30 degreed) for this frame.

  9. I'm thinking of engineering atm. In my 6th form interview I was told that the subjects I had chosen were near enough perfect for it. We then got talking about University and he was saying how if you go to one of the major cities you can actually get paid to do your course by companies, as much as £30k a year (Y) . Not bad for a student :)"

  10. right you would think if they are workin on msn they would do it earlt in the mornin when no one will be usin it y now just wen i am tlkin to fit women :P"

    cheers ash (Y)

    MSN is used internationally so that wouldn't work really :P"

    Anyway will you all stop complaining about a FREEEEEEEE service being shut down for an hour or so in order that you all don't get some horrible virus off some twat who works in a comic book store and masturbates over superwoman whilst designing a bug that makes your computers explode.

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