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Posts posted by tipus

  1. A boy I met in franbourough has one. You may have seen it in MBUK.

    He fell off his bike and his stomach went into the end of his bars. LUCKILY he had bar ends. He went to hospital thinking he would just get the usual its justed bruised rest it for a while. But when he had and x-ray doctors revealed his liver had torn(I think into two parts not sure) He had to stay in hospital for two months afterthat to get his liver sorted and now has a scar down the middle of his stomach.

    Without bar ends he may well have died.

    Joe  B)

    crap, that happened to me a few weeks ago, i thought that my stomach was bad injured, it did hurt so much, but luckily it was fine :shifty:

    Things like that is scary, and i didn't have bar ends, so now i have a circle on my stomach :D

    Buying bar ends tomorrow...

  2. Hello.

    I've been filming a bit, and i made a lilte vid.

    Iv'e been riding trials 1 year now, and recently i got my new echo team 2005. Wich is a great bike (N)

    Hope you like:

    Video link

    Cheers (N)

    EDIT: 17mb, 2:52 min

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