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Posts posted by manxrider

  1. =]

    I have tried watching it, but was bored of watching men and hill-billies (ice man chuck) humping each other.

    If you want to see a fight, start one.

    I wouldn't usually comment on things like this, but the fact that you regard mma as men humping each other is a massive indicator that you should not start a fight, because if you cant recognise what good fighting looks like, you'll get a nasty surprise if you actually get into one.

    And how does wanting to watch a combat sport even relate to starting a fight for enjoyment? You're an idiot.

    On a more educated note, Shogun proved a point. I know it's very early to say but I think Machida is done I don't think he'll be the type to come back strong from being beaten and competition will certainly see him in a different light now, i.e not unbeatable.

  2. whats the name of the gym your going to go to? I've done it for just over 2 years, It's great it does give you so much confidence plus there's nothing wrong with a good ass kicking a few times a week. Oh and at 26 you have nothing to worry about, you could be competing at armature after about a year.

  3. What the f**k was Bisping playing at, fair enough Hendo has some serious power.. but he was so jittery he looked like he was having a seizure, and after being told to stop circling to his left, towards Hendo's right he continued to do it. I like him but he deserved to get ktfo and that last elbow by Hendo was amazing proper brutal. :lol:

    GSP vs thiago went as expected really, surprised Thiago didn't look more dangerous standing up though to be honest. But as Rogan pointed out a good 10 times during that fight it's hard to do anything when your going to get taken down near enough no matter what you do. Thiago's ability to get off his back impressed me though.

    f**k Lesnar, can't stand him. Fedor by armbar if they ever fight.

  4. Nearest gym is miles away and costs a fortune.

    I can't be bothered spending £30 just to find my 1rep max either, I only need more weight for my 1 rep max bench press anyway.

    Well you should spend an extra £30 to get stronger, cos you really do not have enough weight to really gain anything strength wise.

    Oh and to the guy who was asking about rippetoes I followed it for a while and saw pretty major gains in every lift except the bench press, added around 40kg to my squat in not much time at all, but then I got lazy and stopped.

    Weight wise I put on about 6kg, near enough a stone, not sure whether this was due to just getting older though.. similar to spazz.

    Were probably not the best people to ask, cos well, for me anyway I didn't follow it very strictly or for a great deal of time and with a poor diet, but for a starting routine it is ideal as it gives you a main three exercises per workout, then you can add what ever exercises you want to that pretty much. Give this site Starting strength wiki a read, if you haven't already.

    Oh and although I got to lazy to really stick to it, I read a good follow on program is Bill star's 5x5.

  5. Strictly trials related you may be right, but I do think explosive full squats would be more beneficial as long as you don't bounce at the bottom of the squat. It's always worth a try to see if it does improve anything, and if it doesn't just switch back to half squats.

  6. atg isnt better for your knees, nor is it better for your leg strength

    it is however better for your core to go deeper as it puts it under more strain

    How isn't better for leg strength? A much larger ROM will surely mean more muscle is being worked, and you can squat a hell of a lot more going just to parallel than doing a full squat so to squat heavy and atg will take more strength than doing the same weight to parallel surely? . Plus there also better for hip flexibility.

    And squatting to parallel places more stress on the knee's than squatting deep does, because when you squat deep the pressure is shifted to the hips which can handle more pressure.

  7. lol, read a book on international investment, the isle of man will be effected very little by the USA IMP's

    Well according to are own Treasury Minister,

    "At a lower level, we need to be very wary of the new administration, especially in the first year or two, because Obama has made a number of very strident comments against small financial jurisdictions such as the Isle of Man.

    "He classes them all as tax-havens (and) doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between well run, well regulated cooperative states, and those rogue states he sees are draining tax dollars out of the United States.

    "He has called for action and may well, especially if he has a full Democratically controlled Congress, try to drive through legislation against us at an early stage, so we need to be very conscious of that."

    I'm only saying what I've read, so can you try not to sound so condescending.

    Maybe I was wrong by saying Investment, but w/e.

  8. I Think we really would struggle, as the only thing we have is the financial sector over here.

    Alastair Darling attacked us as well saying Britain needs to reconsider it's relations with the Isle of man, which although I'm not entirely sure what he means by that, as all we do is pay you to protect us if we ever get invaded lol, and called us a "tax haven sitting in the Irish Sea." and one country has blamed us entirely for the whole credit crunch going on at the moment :lol: . To be fair the money we don't pay in tax we make up by paying about £1.22 a liter for petrol and more for food and everything because it has to come by boat.

    Oh and about the war, although I disagree with the reasons for the war, I do think we need to have a presence in these country's.

  9. Mccain with out a doubt.

    Obama hates tax havens, and that's basically what the Isle of Man is and apparently he will stop American banks investing money over here, which will ruin us.

    Plus I'm for the war to some extent.

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