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Posts posted by Monty_susanne

  1. Suss or sussi, seems like I have lots of nicknames everyone have their own one to me (N)

    Like my mum always called me witch when i was litle, my grandma called me gypsy...etc!

    Lots of names. >_<


  2. IPB Image

    AKG K26P. Been using these puppies for a while, they're wicked.

    Block a fair bit of noise out, feels like they're more neturally EQ:ed than the Koss PortaPro phones i had before. The kosses were THE bass machine headphones of the size, but they make my head hurt, and the plug broke.

    Block loads of traffic noise, airplane noise, buses, etc out. I even play a metronome in them sometimes when drumming with my band, and it doesn't hurt my ears. I can't play as loud as usual but meh, practise room ain't big.

    I'm sure there are better phones for the buck about, but I like mine loads.

    Where did u buy them and for how much? looks like comfy headphones.


  3. said sorry didn't i ?

    may have been a sorry for something else, maybe sorry to myself for something i regret,

    who knows ! :huh:

    haha oh sorry! my misstake didnt see that!

    Sorry :-

    I'm sorry i took monty_susanne's quote out of context and put it in my signature

    Reason? or do i wanna know why!

    Sorry i dont get it.


  4. i spending lots of money every single year on headphones.

    (expensive once and many of them)

    But they always broke after a while, probably because of to loud music or something!

    wonder if someone know any good once? NOT to expensive but still a good price with nice sound!

    post up link or pics please.



  5. wow!

    LOVE U!!! oh my god! I knowed u was good, but not that good! :wub: *still like boys* lol!

    U have really impressed me! :S

    when u coming over to sweden and learning me those mega moves u are doing???? :rolleyes:


  6. off topic....! but... im going to swe this summer.... wanna ride? :)

    cant understand how it can be off topic? :S

    sure just tell me when Lol :)


  7. I've got a pink and blue BMX. I'd be stupid not to buy a sticker. :rolleyes:

    can just say one thing: WOOOOO FINALLY SOMEONE THAT ISNT AGAINST US GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    we love u! :P


    p.s PLEASE stop "bitching" around now! it just make me pissed off!!

    Close this topic or make it to something better!

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